Selected Special Collections
- Accademia Della Crusca Collection: Italian-language publications representing the best usage of Italian in the humanities and sciences
- African American Pamphlets: African American pamphlets from 1822-1909
- Amateur Publications:
Amateur publications by early twentieth-century young journalists, (112 titles).
- American Almanac Collection: Seventeenth through nineteenth centuries
- American and Foreign Magazines Collection: American and European magazines from the seventeenth to the early twentieth century,
(3,872 titles).
- American Guide Series:
Guidebooks for each state, including Alaska, Puerto Rico, and Hawaii, published by the Federal Writers' Project of the Works Progress Administration, 1940-42, (121 titles dispersed in the division's collection).
- American Imprints, 1640-1800: Books and pamphlets printed in the United States between 1640 and 1800, (16,990 titles).
- Anarchism Collections: Publications prepared for U. S. foreign-language communities
- Susan B. Anthony Collection: Library
and papers of Susan B. Anthony
- Archive of French Publishing Prospectuses Collection: Nineteenth-century prospectuses from European publishing firms (chiefly from France and Belgium, 1830-1870), (1,000 items).
- Armed Services Editions Collection: Archival set of paperbacks published for the American Armed Forces, 1943-1947)
- John James Audubon's "Birds of America" Collection: One set of unbound plates from "Birds of America" housed individually in mylar folders; one set of bound plates.
- Authors' Manuscripts Collection:
Manuscripts, proofs, and various states of publications by miscellaneous authors received as gifts over the years, (36 titles).
- Paul Avrich Collection:
American and European anarchist publications issued after 1900, (10,250 items).
- Charles Edward Banks Collection: American and English genealogical material, chiefly in manuscript notes and clippings,
(55 items).
- John Davis Batchelder Collection: Books, manuscripts, and other material assembled by John Davis Bachelder
- Bible Collection:
Early editions and rare issues of the Bible in numerous languages, (1,471 titles).
- Big Little Book Collection: Popular children's books, mid-twentieth century
- Katherine Golden Bitting Collection: Publications and manuscripts on gastronomy, fifteenth through twentieth centuries
- Bollingen Foundation Collection: Records and publications of the Bollingen Foundation
- Bookplate Collection:
Bookplates designed by twentieth-century Russian artists, (130 bookplates).
- Broadside Collection:
Mostly single-sheet publications from Europe and the Americas (with the vast majority from the United States) dating from the sixteenth to the twentieth centuries.
- Broadside Song Collection:
Nineteenth-century musical lyrics in English, (4,525 items).
- Carrie Chapman Catt Collection: Library and papers of Carrie Chapman Catt, president of the National American Woman Suffrage Association
- Miguel de Cervantes Collection: Rare editions of Cervantes in eight different languages, the gift of Leonard Kebler,
(400 volumes dispersed in the division's collection).
- Children's Book Collection: Children's books, eighteenth century to present
- Christian Science Collection:
Books on the foundation of the Christian Science Church, received through either copyright deposit or donation, (325 titles dispersed in the division's collection).
- Confederate States of America Collection: Publications issued in the South during the Civil War
- Confederate States of America Collection; Confederate Songs: Southern ballads about the Civil War, (158 broadsides).
- Congressional Speech Collection: Pamhlets of Speeches delivered by members of Congress, 1825-1940
- Constitutional Convention Broadside Collection: Broadsides and other documents related to the Constitutional Convention of 1787, the ratification of the new Constitution, and the creation of the Bill of Rights.
- Continental Congress Broadside Collection:
Broadsides and other documents pertaining to the work of the Continental Congress during the Revolutionary War and Confederation periods.
- Howard Dearstyne Collection:
Printed material transferred from the Dearstyne Papers in the Manuscript Division, (432 items).
- Dell Paperback Collection: Archival
set of Dell paperbacks
- Dime Novel Collection: Popular
paperback fiction, nineteenth century
- Charles Dickens Collection: First editions of Charles Dickens' works included in the Leonard Kebler gift, (dispersed in the Division's collection).
- Documents of the First Fourteen Congresses: Congressional documents, 1789-1817, (12,922 titles).
- Lester Douglas Collection:
Printed material designed and donated by Lester Douglas, (98 items).
- Wilberforce Eames Collection:
Nineteenth-century religious tracts in various languages (i.e., Tamal and Bulgarian), (103 items).
- Early Bulgarian Imprint Collection: Bulgarian-language publications, nineteenth century
- Early Copyright Records Collection: U. S. copyright registers and accession records, 1790-1870
- Early Printing Collection: Books printed between 1501 and 1520, (462 titles).
- Harrison Elliott Collection: Paper specimens, personal papers and research material relating to the history of papermaking
- English Printing Collection:
Books printed in England between 1521 and 1641, (1,613 titles).
- George Fabyan Collection: Early editions of works of seventeenth-century English literature, publications relating to cryptography
- Charles Feinberg-Whitman Collection:
Early editions of Walt Whitman's works, (488 titles).
- Fine Bindings File:
Books noted for their fine bindings, (20 titles).
- Herman Finkelstein Collection: Twentieth-century American literature, (300 titles). .
- Peter Force Library: Early American imprints and incunabula
- Fore-Edge File:
Books with paintings on the fore-edge, (44 titles dispersed in the division's collection).
- Foreign Almanac Collection:
Almanacs printed in various countries, with the majority from England, (672 titles). .
- Benjamin Franklin Collection: Papers and publications of Benjamin Franklin
- Franklin Book Program Collection: Archival set of Franklin Program publications of American books translated into Middle Eastern and Asian languages,
(3,980 titles in remote storage).
- Sigmund Freud Collection: Early editions of Freud's writings
- Roy J. Friedman Mark Twain Collection:
Manuscripts, first editions, pirated editions, and other material by and relating to Mark Twain, (450 items). .
- Frederic W. Goudy Collection: Personal
library, papers, and publications of type designer Frederic Goudy
- Gryphius Collection:
Books printed by Sebastianus Gryphius in Lyons in the sixteenth century, (135 titles).
- Louise Imogen Guiney Collection:
Late nineteenth-century works by this American poet and essayist, (95 titles).
- Hawaiian Imprint Collection: Hawaiian
publications, nineteenth century
- Henry Harisse Collection: Publications,
papers, and maps pertaining to the early exploration of America
- Jean Hersholt Collections: Early editions of Hans Christian Andersen's writings and his papers; first editions of the writings of Hugh Walpole and Sinclair Lewis and related papers.
- Martin Hertz Gift:
World War II propaganda ephemera, (2 scrapbooks).
- Frank J. Hogan Collection: Instructional texts, early nineteenth-century paperbound books, and rare juvenile American publications,
(86 titles).
- Oliver Wendell Holmes: Book and print collection of the Holmes family
- Harry Houdini Collection: Publications, scrapbooks, and other material relating to spiritualism and magic
- House Unamerican Activities Committee (HUAC) Collection: Pamphlets collected by HUAC, many of which the committee deemed "un-American." (4,000 pamphlets).
- Incunabula Collection: Books printed between 1455 and 1501, (3,797 titles).
- International Mark Twain Society Collection: Publications from the International Mark Twain Society,
(729 items).
- Washington Irving's Works: Rare editions of Washington Irving's works donated by Leonard Kebler, (dispersed in the division's collection).
- Henry James Collection: Early editions of James' writings
- Janus Press Collection:
Archival materials relating to book production by Claire Van Vliet at the Janus Press, (1,000 items).
- Thomas Jefferson Collection: Thomas Jefferson book collection
- Juvenile Collection:
Children's books dating from the early eighteenth century to the present, (18,200 items). .
- Rudyard Kipling Collections: Early editions of Rudyard Kipling's writings; related papers and research materials
- Hans P. and Hanni Kraus Collection:
Early books, manuscripts, maps, and memorabilia related to the explorations of Sir Francis Drake.
- L.C. Archival Collection:
Library of Congress publications, (10,000 items).
- Lincoln Collection:
Publications given to the Library by the descendants of Abraham Lincoln, (64 titles).
- Little Blue Book Collection:
Archival set of Little Blue Books, (853 titles).
- Francis Longe Collection: Published theatrical works in English, 1607-1812
- Martin Luther Collection:
Early works attributed to Martin Luther, (285 titles)
- M & S Collection:
Twentieth-century radical publications, (10,000 items).
- James Madison Pamphlet Collection:
Pamphlets and broadsides relating to James Madison, (6 portfolios).
- Manuscript Plays Collection: American play typescripts submitted for copyright deposit in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, (3,062 typescripts).
- McGuffey Reader Collection: Children's textbooks designed to teach language skills and morals
- McManus-Young Collection: Publications
and pictorial material relating to magic, magical apparatus
- Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts Collection: Pre-1601 western manuscripts, (158 titles).
- Kirkor Minassian Collection: Islamic bookbindings
- Miniature Book Collection: Books ten centimeters or less in height, (1,596 titles).
- Miscellaneous Bound Pamphlets Collection: Seventeenth-through nineteenth-century pamphlets, mostly in English,
(30,000 pamphlets).
- William Morris and Kelmscott Press Collection: Imprints from the Kelmscott Press printed by William Morris,
(170 titles).
- Daniel Murray Pamphlet Collection: Pamphlets on African American history, 1850-1920
- NEA Small Press Collection:
Archival collection of modern small press publications funded by grants awarded by the National Endowment for the Arts Literature Program, (2,500 items).
- Edward Newton Collection:
Material from the library of A. Edward Newton, (94 titles).
- Patent Office Deposit Collection: Publications deposited by the Patent Office, (88 titles).
- Joseph and Elizabeth Robins
Pennell Collection: Graphic art, papers, and cookbook collection
of Joseph and Elizabeth Robins Pennell (183)
- Poetry Collection: Presentation and limited edition copies of works of poetry formerly housed in the Poetry Office,
(733 titles).
- Poetry Ephemera Collection:
Modern poetry published as ephemera, (22 items).
- The Portuguese Pamphlets: Documents
relating to 19th century Portugual
- Pre-1801 Imprint Collection:
Books printed before 1801 originally assigned to the Library's general collection and transferred to the Rare Book and Special Collections Division, (42,000 titles).
- Presidents' Books Collection:
Personal or autographed books of United States Presidents, (200 titles dispersed throughout the division's collection).
- Press Collection: Works of selected modern British and American private presses, (3,500 titles).
- Printed Ephemera Collection: Printed ephemeral material, (39 items).
- Pulp Fiction Collection: Popular
American fiction magazines, 1920s-1950s
- Radical Pamphlets Collection: Pamphlets, broadsides, and memorabilia concerning American communism, anarchism, and socialism, 1870-1980 (especially 1930-1949),
(2,000 items).
- Reformation Collection: Publications Relating to the Reformation, sixteenth century
- Reserve Storage Collection:
Late nineteenth-century and early twentieth-century English-language material submitted as copyright deposits, (7,000 items).
- Reserve Storage Drama Collection: English-language plays and playbills from 1870 to 1900,
(5,831 items). .
- Bruce Rogers Collection: Books designed by Bruce Rogers and his personal papers
- Franklin Delano Roosevelt Collection:
Material concerning Franklin Delano Roosevelt, (13 titles).
- Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection: The
illustrated book, fifteenth through twentieth centuries
- Roycrofters Collection:
Books published at the Roycrofter colony founded by Elbert Hubbard, (97 items).
- Russian Imperial Collection: Books
from the libraries of the Russian imperial family
- Theodore Roosevelt Hunting Library: Publications on hunting, natural hstory, and exploration
- Seaside Library Collection: Folio Collections including 2,500 popular titles from the 19th century published in inexpensive serial form by George Munro.
- Shakers Collection:
Shaker literature donated by J. P. MacLean, (487 items).
- Shakespeare Folio Collection:
Shakespeare's First, Second, Third, and Fourth Folios, (6 titles).
- Spanish American Imprint Collection:
Books from various Latin American countries dating from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century, (368 titles).
- Special Format Collection: Custodial collection of items which, because of their unusual format, are housed in the Rare Book and Special Collections Division, (5,000 titles).
- State House and Senate Documents:
Journals, proceedings, and other documents of the states from the colonial period to the mid-nineteenth century, (2,200 items).
- Alfred Whital Stern
Collection of Lincolniana: Publications, manuscripts, prints, and
other material relating to Abraham Lincoln
- Stone and Kimball Collection:
Late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century publications of Stone and Kimball, (182 titles).
- "T.C." Collection: Early works of Theodore Dreiser collected by Walter N. Tobriner and presented to Roger S. Cohen,
(115 titles).
- Tabard Inn Library Collection: Late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century imprints from the Tabard Inn Library, a circulating library,
(87 items).
- John Boyd Thacher Collection: Incunabula,
early Americana, material pertaining to the French Revolution, autographs
- Theater Playbills Collection:
Nineteenth-century English-language playbills, (3,253 items).
- The Third Reich Collection: Publications and photographs from the libraries of Nazi leaders
- Gaston and Albert Tissandier Collection:
Publications relating to the history of aeronautics, (1,800 titles dispersed in the collection).
- Raymond Toinet Collection:
Early editions of French literary works, (2,500 titles dispersed in the collection).
- John Meredith Toner Collection: Publications and papers relating to the history of American medicine, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries; early American Imprints
- Mark Twain Collection: Rare Twain manuscripts and books donated by Mrs. Frances R. Friedman,
(450 items).
- Unclassified Collection:
Nineteenth and twentieth century English-language material, (5,607 items).
- Underground Movement Collection:
World War II resistance material, (16,162 items).
- Jules Verne Collection: Early editions of Jules Verne's writings collected by Willis E. Hurd, (146 titles).
- Otto Vollbehr Collection: Incunabula
- Wagner-Camp Collection: Western Americana selected from Henry Wagner's bibliography, The Plains and the Rockies, (451 titles).
- George Washington Collection:
Autographed copies of books belonging to Washington, (40 titles).
- Wertham Collection:
Publications primarily related to psychology, (10,000 unprocessed items).
- Walt Whitman Collection: Early
editions of Walt Whitman's writings
- Woodrow Wilson Library: Books and personal mementos of Woodrow Wilson
- World War II Propaganda Collection:
Propaganda material distributed in Europe during World War II, (6,700 items).
- YA Pamphlet Collection:
Nineteenth-century congressional documents; nineteenth-century English-language pamphlets; and European imprints from the sixteenth century onward, (25,290 items).
- Yudin Collection: Publications
relating to Russian history, bibliography, and literature, eighteenth and
nineteenth centuries; pictorial material; papers of the Russian American