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3rd District Site of the Week
Congressman Vern Ehlers
Constituent Services | Overview

DTV Transition – Over the past few months you may have seen television commercials about our nation’s transition to digital television (DTV).

Casework – My office may be able to assist Third District residents in dealing with federal agencies regarding issues such as Social Security, Medicare, and immigration.

Passports & Travel – I have some helpful information here on my website to help citizens living in my district apply for and obtain a U.S. passport in a timely manner. This page also has the latest information on how to deal with difficulties in obtaining your passport and travel warnings to certain parts of the world.

Grants & Federal Domestic Assistance – There are a variety of federal grant programs available to groups, organizations and individuals in the Third District. This page contains some helpful information on finding and applying for grants and assistance.

Doing Business With the Federal Government – Trying to do business with the federal government can be a daunting task. This page has information on contracting with the government.

Order a U.S. Flag – If you are a resident of Michigan’s Third District, you may purchase a United States flag from my office that was flown over the U.S. Capitol.

Visiting Washington – For constituents planning a visit to Washington, D.C., my office can help request tours of the White House and provide information on museums, monuments and historic sites.

Service Academy Nominations - Each year I have the privilege of recommending a select group of individuals for admission to the US Service Academies: Army, Navy, Air Force, and Merchant Marine.

Contact Me – If you can’t find an answer to your question here, or need further assistance, please feel free to contact my office.