News from Congressman Vernon J. Ehlers  
Friday, June 08, 2007 Kevan Chapman
Communications Director
(202) 225-3831

Ehlers honors 150th anniversary of Christian Reformed Church


Church to hold sesquicentennial worship service in Grand Rapids this weekend


WASHINGTON – Congressman Vernon J. Ehlers honored the 150th anniversary of the Christian Reformed Church (CRC) in North America this week with a statement in the Congressional Record. Ehlers made the following remarks about the milestone:


“I am proud to be a member of this church denomination, which has helped me and millions of others through the last 150 years to worship God faithfully, to experience fellowship with other believers, and to provide spiritual and physical care to those in need. I commend its members during this special time of remembering, rejoicing and rededicating. I ask my colleagues to join me in congratulating the CRC on its 150 years of service.”


The Christian Reformed Church will hold its anniversary worship service on Sunday at Van Andel Arena in Grand Rapids. Tickets are required for the event.
