Tuesday, September 23, 2008 Kevan Chapman
Communications Director
(202) 225-3831

Congress Passes Great Lakes Compact


Ehlers supports state control over water withdrawals


WASHINGTON – The U.S. House of Representatives today passed a bill to ratify an agreement between the eight states that border the Great Lakes, including Michigan, which will give those states control over large scale water withdrawals from the lakes. The Great Lakes—St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact was passed by a vote of 390 to 25, and moves on to the president for ratification.


Congressman Vernon J. Ehlers, a lead Republican co-sponsor of the bill, and one of the earliest backers of the initial bill, was pleased that states would be able to protect the Great Lakes from harmful withdrawals. “The Great Lakes are a vital natural resource, which support trade, industry, recreation, and a diverse array of fish and wildlife,” said Congressman Ehlers. “But it is also a delicate resource, which can be devastated by large withdrawals of water. It was imperative that Congress quickly act on this bill so that the Great Lakes states will be able to ensure the lakes are used in a sustainable manner.”


State legislatures and governors in Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin agreed to the compact before it was sent to Congress for ratification.
