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UGID:2141743     UniGene Hs.634849     Homo sapiens (human)   AGGF1
Angiogenic factor with G patch and FHA domains 1 (AGGF1)
Comparison of sequences in UniGene with selected protein reference sequences. The alignments can suggest function of a gene.
Reference ProteinSpeciesId(%)Len(aa)
NP_060516.2 angiogenic factor VG5Q H. sapiens 100.0 713
XP_526886.1 PREDICTED: angiogenic factor VG5Q P. troglodytes 99.6 713
NP_079906.2 angiogenic factor with G patch and FHA domains 1 M. musculus 88.5 710
NP_001073451.1 hypothetical protein LOC559905 D. rerio 58.3 731

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cDNA Sources: brain; uncharacterized tissue; embryonic tissue; testis; mixed; lung; lymph node; muscle; pancreas; thyroid; parathyroid; eye; placenta; bone marrow; spleen; bladder; connective tissue; skin; tonsil; stomach; uterus; bone; kidney; mammary gland; larynx; liver; prostate; blood; nerve; heart; ovary; adipose tissue
Genomic location specified by transcript mapping, radiation hybrid mapping, genetic mapping or cytogenetic mapping.
Chromosome: 5
Map position: 5q13.3
UniSTS entry: Chr 5 GDB:451724
UniSTS entry: Chr 5 SHGC-58119
UniSTS entry: Chr 5 RH103381
UniSTS entry: Chr 5 HSC2RB032
UniSTS entry: Chr 5 G60377
UniSTS entry: Chr 5 RH18441
UniSTS entry: Chr 5 (n/a)
Sequences representing this gene; mRNAs, ESTs, and gene predictions supported by transcribed sequences.

mRNA sequences (12)

BX648120.1 Homo sapiens mRNA; cDNA DKFZp686L1440 (from clone DKFZp686L1440) PA
AY500994.1 Homo sapiens angiogenic factor VG5Q mRNA, complete cds P
BC032844.1 Homo sapiens angiogenic factor with G patch and FHA domains 1, mRNA (cDNA clone MGC:32998 IMAGE:5266978), complete cds PA
AK001145.1 Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ10283 fis, clone HEMBB1001339, weakly similar to DXS8237E PROTEIN P
BC073864.1 Homo sapiens angiogenic factor with G patch and FHA domains 1, mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:4498580) PA
NM_018046.3 Homo sapiens angiogenic factor with G patch and FHA domains 1 (AGGF1), mRNA PA
BC002828.2 Homo sapiens angiogenic factor with G patch and FHA domains 1, mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:3659316), complete cds PA
AK289394.1 Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ75192 complete cds P
BC029382.1 Homo sapiens angiogenic factor with G patch and FHA domains 1, mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:4252711), partial cds PA
AK097255.1 Homo sapiens cDNA FLJ39936 fis, clone SPLEN2021795 P
BC015478.1 Homo sapiens angiogenic factor with G patch and FHA domains 1, mRNA (cDNA clone IMAGE:3885345), partial cds PA
U84971.1 Homo sapiens fetal unknown mRNA, complete cds P

EST sequences (10 of 207) [Show all sequences]

AA994572.1 Clone IMAGE:1623573 embryonic tissue 3' read A
AI037948.1 Clone IMAGE:1660029 embryonic tissue 3' read P
AI076154.1 Clone IMAGE:1673350 mixed 3' read PA
AI089720.1 Clone IMAGE:1686833 brain 3' read A
AI142005.1 Clone IMAGE:1566844 mixed 3' read A
BX117865.1 Clone IMAGp998A0276_;_IMAGE:24506 brain A
AI215746.1 Clone IMAGE:1884163 lung 3' read
CB130693.1 Clone L11SNU354-17-C02 liver 5' read P
CB131953.1 Clone L14ChoiCK0-11-E12 liver 5' read
AI290872.1 Clone IMAGE:1881784 lung 3' read

Key to Symbols

P Has similarity to known Proteins (after translation)
A Contains a poly-Adenylation signal
S Sequence is a Suboptimal member of this cluster
M Clone is putatively CDS-complete by MGC criteria

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