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Joint FDA-NCI-ODS Workshop On Use and Misuse of Biomarkers as Indicators of Cancer Risk Reduction Following Dietary Manipulation

Workshop Dates

July 12-13, 2005

Workshop Site

Lister Hill Auditorium
NIH Campus
Bethesda, MD


The Food and Drug Administration, National Cancer Institute, and Office of Dietary Supplements are sponsoring a 2-day conference. The purpose of the Workshop is to provide the scientific community and the lay public with a general background of what is ongoing in biomarker validation in general and to mention what to needed in particular.

The overall goals are:

  • Review and discuss the criteria for surrogate endpoints for cancer risk.
  • Identify biomarkers that are influenced by diet and determine their relationship to cancer risk and tumor behavior.
  • Explore emerging biomarkers for their relevance to nutrition and cancer prevention

Meeting Materials

Point of Contact

For additional information or questions about this event, please contact the DCP Webmaster.