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Free Radicals: The Pros and Cons of Antioxidants

Meeting Dates

Thursday, June 26 and Friday June 27, 2003

Meeting Site

Masur Auditorium
Clinical Center, Building 10
National Institutes of Health (NIH) Campus, Bethesda, MD


To summarize current understanding of, and identify major gaps in our knowledge about the role of antioxidants in cancer prevention and tumor biology, and their interactions with conventional chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Speakers will discuss several topical areas including:

  • Free Radicals, Cancer Prevention and Therapy
  • Oxidative Stress - Positive and Negative Aspects: Antioxidant Effects Pros and Cons
  • Biomarkers
  • Clinical Aspects of Antioxidant Usage
  • Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy - Antioxidant Interactions
  • Wrap-up/Summary of Opportunities and Challenges

Co-Sponsored By

  • National Cancer Institute
    • Division of Cancer Prevention
    • Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis
  • National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine
  • Office of Dietary Supplements
  • American Institute for Cancer Research
  • American Society for Nutritional Sciences

Meeting Materials

Point of Contact

For additional information or questions about this event, please contact the DCP Webmaster.