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Biometry Research Group

About the Research Group


  • Plans and conducts independent and cooperative research studies on cancer epidemiology, prevention, screening, and diagnosis using methods of mathematical and analytic statistics.
  • Plans and conducts independent and collaborative studies in biostatistical and epidemiologic methodology and in mathematical modeling of processes relevant to cancer prevention activities.
  • Provides consultation and advice on biostatistical methodology and study design to staff of the Division and investigators in other Divisions of NCI and outside.
  • Provides expertise in statistics and biometry to program managers and scientific decision-makers within the NCI and outside.


Stuart Baker, ScD
EPN 3118
(301) 496-7708
Vance Berger, PhD
EPN 3115
(301) 435-5303
Donald Corle, MS
EPN 3114
(301) 496-7456
Kevin Dodd, PhD
EPN 3129
(301) 496-7461
Paul Doria-Rosé, DVM, PhD
EPN 3113
(301) 496-8574
Richard Fagerstrom, PhD
EPN 3126
(301) 496-7458
Jennifer Gaegler
EPN 3130
(301) 496-7474
Ping Hu, ScD
EPN 3127
(301) 496-8553
Grant Izmirlian, PhD
EPN 3122
(301) 496-7519
Victor Kipnis, PhD
EPN 3124
(301) 496-7464
Adeyinka Laiyemo, MBBS, MPH
EPN 3121
(301) 496-8550
Pamela Marcus, MS, PhD
EPN 3128
(301) 496-7468
Doug Midthune, MS
EPN 3119
(301) 496-7463
Lawrence Morris
EPN 3131
(301) 496-8556
Blossom Patterson, MA, PhD
EPN 3116
(301) 496-7477
Philip Prorok, PhD
EPN 3132
(301) 496-7709
David Ransohoff, MD
EPN 3131
(301) 496-8556
Simon Rosenfeld, PhD
EPN 3108
(301) 496-7748
Marina Shumakovich
EPN 3107
(301) 496-8556
Jian-Lun Xu, PhD
EPN 3120
(301) 496-7475
Mark Zweig, MD
EPN 3125a
(301) 435-6714

Phone Number: (301) 496-8556
Fax Number: (301) 402-0816

US Mail Address:

Biometry Research Group, DCP
National Cancer Institute
Executive Plaza North, Room 3131
6130 Executive Blvd., MSC 7354
Bethesda, MD 20892-7354

Commercial Delivery Address:

Biometry Research Group, DCP
National Cancer Institute
6130 Executive Blvd., Room 3131
Rockville, MD 20852


Research Interests

NameResearch Interests
Stuart G. Baker, ScD
  • Biomarkers for the early detection of cancer
  • Evaluating personalized medicince and risk prediction
  • Microarrays
  • Observational studies
  • Paradoxes in carcinogenesis
  • Randomized trials
  • Screening for early detection of cancer
  • Surrogate endpoints
  • Twin studies
Vance Berger, PhD
  • Design and analysis of randomized clinical trials to ensure internal validity
  • Developing more powerful between-group tests in randomized clinical trials
  • Selection bias in randomized clinical trials (Detection, Prevention, Correction)
Donald K. Corle, MS
  • Statistical methods in prevention trials
  • Methods for interactive statistical data analysis
  • Sample size and power calculations for experimental designs
Kevin Dodd, PhD
  • Statistical methods in nutritional epidemiology and surveillance
  • Analysis of clinical trials
  • Measurement error modeling
  • Effect of misclassifications on regression modeling
  • Variance estimation in complex surveys
  • Monte Carlo simulation
  • Nonlinear mixed models
V. Paul Doria-Rosé, DVM, PhD
  • Cancer screening
  • Epidemiologic methods to evaluate screening efficacy and interval
Richard Fagerstrom, PhD
  • Cancer screening
  • Evolutionary dynamics of cancer
  • Genome-wide association studies
  • Cellular information processing
  • Rule-based modeling
  • Artificial life
Ping Hu, ScD
  • Early detection of disease, cancer screening
  • Survival analysis, nonparametric and semiparametric methods
  • Cancer biomarkers
  • Design and analysis of clinical trials
Grant Izmirlian, PhD
  • Statistical analysis of proteomics, SNP and microarray data
  • Statistical issues related to interim analysis
  • Stochastic processes issues in natural history models for cancer screening trials
Victor Kipnis, PhD
  • Biostatistical methodology
  • Covariate measurement error and covariate misclassification in regression analysis
  • Statistical methods in nutritional epidemiology and surveillance
  • Energy balance and cancer
  • Biomarkers for diet and physical activity
  • Use and validation of surrogate endpoints
  • Statistical inference in model selection and model misspecification
Adeyinka Laiyemo, MD, MPH
  • Colorectal cancer epidemiology
  • Pancreatic cancer epidemiology
  • Surveillance and screening
Pamela Marcus, MS, PhD
  • Cancer epidemiology and screening
  • Clinical trials
  • Case-control methodology for assessment of cancer screening modalities
Doug Midthune, MS
  • Statistical computing
  • Covariate measurement error models
  • Nutritional epidemiology
Blossom Patterson, PhD
  • Selenium kinetics
  • Compartmental modeling
  • Dietary assessment
  • Latent class analysis
Philip C. Prorok, PhD
  • Design and analysis of cancer screening programs
  • Mathematical modeling of screening
  • Analysis of cancer natural history data
  • Analysis of censored duration data
  • Stochastic processes
David Ransohoff, MD
  • Biomarkers for the early detection of cancer
  • Evaluating personalized medicine and risk prediction
  • Improving research methods for studies of diagnosis and prognosis
  • Observational studies
  • Screening for the early detection of cancer
  • Surrogate endpoints
Simon Rosenfeld, PhD
  • Genetic regulatory networks: dynamics, biochemistry, stability, computational models, measurement paradigms
  • Systems and computational biology, bioinformatics
  • Microarrays: statistical methodology, software development, practical applications
  • Monte Carlo simulation, bootstrap, permutation testing
  • Time series analysis, simulation and prediction
  • Random sample generation: algorithms and applications
  • Small samples, serial correlations, non-normality, transformations
  • Multiple testing
Jian-Lun Xu, PhD
  • Stochastic modeling in cancer study
  • Survival analysis
  • Multivariate analysis
  • Nonparametric inference
  • Asymptotic theory
  • Analysis of biased sampling data
Mark Zweig, MD
  • Evidence-based medicine
  • Communication of health information by the media

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