Special Items - Mass Spectrometer Vendors

Contacts for the geographical area of Maryland - Washington, D.C. - Virginia

Mass Spectrometer Vendors and Representatives
Points of Contact
Vendor Representative Telephone E-Mail
ABB - Extrel Kimmell, Dave 412-967-5752 dave.kimmell@us.abb.com
Agilent Technologies Soileau, Susan 866-744-9263 susan_soileau@agilent.com
Amersham Biosciences Gitlin, Ellis 800-526-3593 x5286 ellis.gitlin@amersham.com
Applied Biosystems Schwarz, Carl 410-552-5557 carl.schwarz@appliedbiosystems.com
Bruker Daltonics Pratt, John W. 302-368-7960 jwp@bdal.com
GenTech Scientific, Inc. Sizemore, Everette 716-492-1068 sales@GenTechScientific.com
Grizzly Analytical Sherrell, Michael 707-887-2919 mike@grizzlyanalytical.com
Hitachi High Technologies America Malley, James 800-455-4440 x6030 james.malley@hitachi-hhta.com
International Equipment Trading Ltd. Sara Schell 847-913-0777 sara@ietltd.com
JEOL USA, Inc. DiPasquale, Bob 978-536-2310 dipas@jeol.com
Kratos Analytical/Shimadzu Biotech Stall, Brian 603-472-7167 bkstall@shimadzu.com
LECO Corporation Nemec, Eric 410-340-3376 eric_nemec@leco.com
Mass Tech, Inc. Park, Kinam 443-539-1758 msms@apmaldi.com
Micromass MS Technologies Christian, Rob 434-296-7320 robert_christian@waters.com
Micro-Tech Scientific, Inc. Chung, Bernard 760-597-9088 bchung@micro-tech.us
Shimadzu Swart, Robert 410-910-0670 rpswart@shimadzu.com
Thermo Fisher Scientific Gregory, Glen 410-893-3240 glen.gregory@thermo.com
Varian Analytical Instruments Manning, George 540-354-5299 george.manning@varianinc.com
Waters Glisson, Fred 800-252-4752 x6304 fred_glisson@waters.com

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Updated 15-February-2008


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