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Picture of the seminar speaker, Barry R. O'Keefe, Ph.D.

Barry R. O'Keefe

National Cancer Institute

Office: 301-846-1163
FAX: 301-846-6872

Job Title: Associate Group Leader
Ph.D. in Pharmacognosy
from the University of Illinois at Chicago

Speaker: Barry R. O'Keefe, Molecular Targets Drug Discovery Program, NCI-Frederick, Frederick, MD 21701

Topic: Mass Spectrometry of Proteins and Peptides in the Molecular Targets Discovery Program - Video (running time 00:35:10) *

Place: Building 549, Auditorium, NCI at Frederick, Frederick, MD

Time: Tuesday, October 8, 2002, at 2:00 PM

Abstract: The Molecular Targets Discovery Program (MTDP) was developed to aid in the translation of basic science advances made by the Center for Cancer Research (CCR) investigators into novel screens for bioprobes and potential lead compounds for therapeutic development. One aspect of this program is a concentration on protein chemistry. In particular, this effort works to isolate and characterize novel bioactive proteins and peptides from the natural product extracts in the National Cancer Institutes's (NCI) Natural Product Repository. Mass spectrometry is a key technology utilized in this effort. This talk will highlight some of the uses of mass spectrometry in the MTDP in the characterization of unique proteins and peptides and their interactions with specific molecular targets.


* Video viewing minimally requires the latest free version of RealPlayer® and a 56 Kbps dial-up bandwidth.

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Updated 8-October-2002

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