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Press Releases

» Hoyer: Deepening Recession Shows Need for Swift Action, January 30, 2009
Today’s news that our nation had its sharpest economic contraction in over a quarter-century is further confirmation that swift and bold action is needed to get our economy moving again.

» Hoyer Speaks on Need for Health Care Reform at Families USA Conference, January 29, 2009

» Hoyer Statement on CBO Analysis of Economic Recovery Package, January 26, 2009
The analysis of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act released today by the Congressional Budget Office shows that the recovery plan will provide an immediate boost to our economy, while also ensuring long-term economic stability and growth to prevent our nation from slipping back into a recession.



» Informing House Floor on Decision Behind the Economic Stimulus Plan, January 28, 2009
I want to start my remarks taking a little bit of time, I want to start my remarks talking about bipartisanship and how we got here and why we're here. Over a year ago it appeared to us that the economic program adopted in 2001, 2003 was not working. It also appeared to the administration that it was not working.

» Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act Of 2009 and Paycheck Fairness Act Encouraged to Pass on House Floor, January 27, 2009
Ladies and gentlemen of the House, this is the right thing to do. It's the right thing to do not just for Lilly Ledbetter, not just for women, it's the right thing to do because our country believes in fairness, in equity, that we are a nation of laws and treat people equally under those laws.

» Leader Hoyer Discussing TARP on House Floor, January 22, 2009
We are the ones who also, notwithstanding the failure of the bush administration to request it, put yesterday in a bipartisan vote additional constraints for accountability and transparency and for focusing on those folks who are at risk of losing their homes. The gentlelady, I know, did not vote for that either. Today, I think that every member of the House is thinking back to words we said in a similar debate four months ago when the Tarp was originally in front of us and wondering whether we can still stand by them...


Statements and Speeches

» Hoyer Statement on American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, January 28, 2009
As you know, we are dealing with one of the worst economic climates in memory: 2.6 million jobs lost last year; the worst housing market since the Great Depression; financial turmoil that has threatened the savings and retirements of millions.

» Hoyer Statement on Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, January 27, 2009
I am proud that one of the very first bills passed by this House in the 111th Congress was the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.



» 1st order of business is creating or saving 3 million jobs in U.S., January 07, 2009
The 111th Congress has been sworn in at one of the most challenging moments in our history. Today we prepare ourselves to meet that challenge, full of confidence and hope for a new year — but chastened by the knowledge that the value of all of our fall and winter promises reaches zero as soon as we raise our right hands and take the oath of office. From that point on, we can expect to be judged by results alone.

» Now for the Hard Part, October 04, 2008
In the end, the system worked, in its own halting, imperfect way. Now, we can only hope that the $700 billion package passed by the House of Representatives and signed into law by the president yesterday performs the hoped-for trick of unlocking the credit markets and averting economic disaster.


Issue Spotlights

» Democrats on House Passage of Economic Recovery Act, January 28, 2009
Today, the House passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to address the problems facing the economy and put Americans back to work.

» Democrats Applaud Passage of Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, January 27, 2009
Today, the House passed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which is now headed to President Obama for his signature.