Press Release

July12, 2007

Jennifer Kohl
202.225.4289 or 202.225.4025
Trudy Perkins
410.685.9199 or 202.225.4641

Congressman Cummings Urges Colleagues to Support Redeployment Deadline
Legislation would allow the U.S. to re-focus on the War on Terror

Washington, D.C. Today, following a press conference by President Bush releasing a White House report on the eighteen benchmarks established to measure progress in Iraq, Congressman Elijah E. Cummings (D-MD), a member of the House Armed Services Committee, urged his colleagues to join him in passing H.R.2956, the Responsible Redeployment from Iraq Act.  The legislation is set for a vote this evening.


"Once again, the President is using the threat of al Qaeda to divert Americans' attention from the severe implications of his 'lack-of-progress' report in Iraq," Congressman Cummings said. "This notion is an insult to our soldiers who are risking their lives every day fighting this War as well as to the more than 3,600 Americans who have already lost their lives."

Today's report from the White House conceded that the Iraqi government has failed to meet key benchmarks endorsed by the President in January and that political reconciliation is non-existent.


"The President wants us to continue unconditionally arming and training Iraqi forces who have repeatedly demonstrated a lack of allegiance to the Iraqi government," Congressman Cummings said. "It is inconceivable that he would continue to push this agenda when we have repeated reports that Iraqi police-whom our troops are risking their lives to support and train-are actively collaborating with insurgents and even killing our soldiers."


The President's speech came on the heels of a disconcerting report this morning that al Qaeda, utilizing Pakistan as a primary hub, is stronger now than it was before the September 11th terrorist attacks on America. Because of this, Congressman Cummings was particularly disturbed by the President's claims that an absence of American troops in the country would cause Iraq to become an al Qaeda training ground.


"Al Qaeda did not have a presence in Iraq before the American invasion because their interests run inimical to those of the Shi'a and Kurds who comprise 80 percent of the population," Congressman Cummings said. "As soon as our troops are redeployed and there is no longer a common enemy, the Iraqis will drive out the foreign insurgents-as they are already beginning to do in anticipation of American troop withdrawal. It is time to stop the distraction in Iraq and begin focusing our resources on the real War on Terror."

In this vein, Congressman Cummings will join his colleagues later today to vote in support of H.R. 2956, which would set a timely, responsible deadline for the re-deployment of American troops in Iraq.


"I have been against the Iraq War from the start," Congressman Cummings said. "However, as long as our soldiers are in Iraq we must support them-and that includes establishing a timely redeployment. H.R. 2956 is long overdue."
