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Topics in Preservation Science

Photo of Abraham Lincoln which has deteriorated Photo of Conservator treating  poster photo of old book photo of film case and film which has totally deteriorated

Summary of research on magnetic media deterioration since 1995

August 23, 2005, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Mumford Room, 6th Floor James Madison Building


Since John van Bogart's seminal work "Magnetic Tape Storage and Handling" published by the Commission on Preservation and Access (now CLIR) in 1995, a variety of tools and techniques have been developed by the collections management community to identify magnetic media collections that are at risk and conduct conservation activities. One important tool is the videotape identification guide, http://www.video-id.com/, which was prepared by the speaker. This talk will review current research needs for the preservation of magnetic tape and film.


Sarah Stauderman is the Preservation Manager of the Smithsonian Institution Archives, where she oversees the care of paper, book, photographic, moving image and recorded sound materials. Her major research interest is in the deterioration of magnetic media. She has a Masters degree from the art conservation program at Buffalo State College in paper conservation, and was a post-graduate fellow at the Smithsonian Center for Materials Research and Education.