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Vol. LIX, No. 19
September 21, 2007

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Camp Fantastic Barbecue Raises $3,000

This year’s Camp Fantastic Barbecue, held recently on the Bldg. 31 patio by the NIH Recreation and Welfare Association, raised $3,000 and featured perennial favorite band Streetlife (top and center r).

Swinging for the fences: With hopes of winning $100, one of many BBQ attendees (center, l) takes a shot at breaking a glass window brought by vendor Windows Plus.

Time out for a photo:
The crew from Rockland’s restaurant (bottom), which handled the grill duties, takes a moment from preparations to pose for the camera.

Photos: David Browne
One of many BBQ attendees takes a shot at breaking a glass window brought by vendor Windows Plus. Streetlife
The crew from Rockland’s restaurant, which handled the grill duties, takes a moment from preparations to pose for the camera.

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