Home » PAR 09-026 “Collaborative Research in Integrative Cancer Biology and The Tumor Microenvironment” Frequently Asked Questions
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PAR 09-026 “Collaborative Research in Integrative Cancer Biology and The Tumor Microenvironment” Frequently Asked Questions

PAR 09-026 “Collaborative Research in Integrative Cancer Biology and The Tumor Microenvironment” Frequently Asked Questions



Q.   Do I have to be a member of the ICBP or TMEN to apply?  Who is eligible to apply?

A.   This FOA requires a minimum of two PD/PI’s per grant:  one PD/PI must be listed on the ICBP or TMEN collaborators websites and at least one PD/PI must NOT already be a member of the consortium with which they are proposing to collaborate.  ICBP and TMEN members who have agreed to participate in this program as co-PD/PI’s with currently unaffiliated investigators are listed on the following two websites.

ICBP collaborators Url:

TMEN collaborators Url:


Q.  Are collaborations between one or more ICBP and one or more TMEN consortium members possible?

A.  Yes.  As with all applications, applicants must show that they are proposing work within the scope of the consortium and that they are bringing a novel approach, resource, or expertise to the project.


Q.  Are foreign investigators eligible to apply?

A.  Yes, but at least one PD/PI on the grant, the contact PD/PI, must be from a domestic institution.


Q.  What is the page limit for the application?

A.  The application follows the standard PHS398 instructions and page limits.  The PHS 398 application instructions are available at


Q.  What study section(s) will review these applications?

A.  Because these applications are cooperative agreements and linked to existing consortia, they will be reviewed by an ad hoc NCI special emphasis panel.


Q. How do I identify an appropriate ICBP or TMEN collaborator?

A.  The investigators listed on the following two websites have agreed to participate in this program, writing joint grant applications with co-PD/PI’s who are currently not affiliated with the ICBP or TMEN.  You should contact potential collaborators directly.  You do not need to contact the center PI, you may contact directly any individual named on these lists.  You should choose a collaborator based on the potential synergy between your expertise and research to the project they are doing through their ICBP or TMEN center.  If you are unfamiliar with the investigators with whom you wish to collaborate, you can find on the ICBP or TMEN websites, information detailing each center and the individual projects within those centers, to get a better understanding of the scope of the projects and the personnel associated with them.

ICBP collaborators Url:

ICBP descriptions of centers:

TMEN collaborators and description of programs Url:

If you need additional help, please feel free to contact us:

Jennifer Couch, ICBP

301 435 5226


Suresh Mohla, TMEN

301 435 1878

last modified 12/22/2008 11:05 AM