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Condon Named NIDA Deputy Director

Dr. Timothy Condon has been named deputy director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse. In addition, he will continue to serve as director of the institute's Office of Science Policy and Communications (OSPC).

Dr. Timothy Condon
Condon has held a variety of science policy positions at NIDA since he arrived in 1992. He served as chief of the Science Policy Branch and as acting deputy director of OSPC until 1996, when he was named NIDA's first associate director for science policy, as well as director of OSPC.

One of the hallmarks of his efforts has been his commitment to change the public's perception of drug abuse and addiction using science as the vehicle. Condon oversaw a series of town meetings conducted across the country to share new science findings with communities and to provide NIDA with the opportunity to learn what research needed to be supported to help local leaders and clinicians better deal with community drug problems. This outreach campaign, which continues today, consists of a targeted message — drug abuse is a preventable behavior, and drug addiction is a treatable brain disease that needs to be addressed like any other health problem.

Prior to joining NIDA, Condon coordinated research and service programs at the former Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration for 4 years. In 1986-1989 he served as science policy analyst and project director at the Office of Technology Assessment, where he directed an assessment of emerging technologies in the neurosciences.

Condon received his B.S. in biology and psychology from Boston College and pursued his graduate education in neuroscience at the department of physiology, College of Medicine, Ohio State University. He undertook postdoctoral training in neuroendocrinology and neurophysiology at the Brain Research Institute, UCLA, and the Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland. He has authored numerous research papers in his specialty areas of neuroendocrinology and neurophysiology. He has also served on a variety of federal task forces/committees and is the recipient of a multitude of awards for his government service.

Condon takes over the position held by Richard A. Millstein, who is on detail serving as acting deputy director of the Fogarty International Center.

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