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Duke, Pitt Training in Clinical Research

The Clinical Center's Office of Clinical Research Training and Medical Education offers two opportunities for training in collaboration with Duke University and the University of Pittsburgh.

The NIH-Duke Training Program in Clinical Research, implemented in 1998, is designed primarily for physicians and dentists who desire formal training in the quantitative and methodological principles of clinical research. The program, offered via videoconference at the CC, offers formal courses in research design, research management and statistical analysis.

Academic credit earned by participating in this program may be applied toward satisfying the degree requirement for a master of health sciences in clinical research from Duke School of Medicine. For more information, visit or email The deadline for applying is Mar. 1, 2004.

The University of Pittsburgh Training in Clinical Research Program is designed for Ph.D.'s and allied health professionals and consists of a curriculum taught over three semesters starting with an intensive 8-week summer session. NIH trainees are only required to spend the first 5 days of the summer session in residence at the University of Pittsburgh. Physicians and dentists are also eligible to matriculate in this program.

For more information, including tuition costs, visit or email The deadline for applying is Mar. 1, 2004. Prospective participants should consult with their NIH institute or center regarding the official training nomination procedure.

FEW Hosts NIH Ombudsman

Federally Employed Women, Bethesda chapter, will host Dr. Howard Gadlin, NIH ombudsman and director of the Center for Cooperative Resolution, at a brown bag chapter meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 10 from noon to 1 p.m., in Bldg. 31, Rm. 6C6. Gadlin will present "Cross Cultural Conflict Resolution: Mediating Disputes in the National Institutes of Health." Sign language interpreters will be provided. Individuals with disabilities who need reasonable accommodation to participate should contact Allyson Browne, (301) 451-0002 or the Federal Relay (1-800-877-8339).

Wednesday Afternoon Lectures

The Wednesday Afternoon Lecture series — held on its namesake day at 3 p.m. in Masur Auditorium, Bldg. 10 — features the NIH Director's Lecture given by Dr. Catherine M. Verfaillie on Feb. 11; her topic is "Greater Potency of Adult Stem Cells." See story.

On Feb. 18, Dr. Barry J. Everitt will lecture on "Neural and Psychological Basis of Compulsive Drug Seeking: Implications for Treatment." He is professor, department of experimental psychology and MRC Center for Behavioral and Clinical Neuroscience, University of Cambridge, UK.

For more information or for reasonable accommodation, call Hilda Madine, (301) 594-5595.

NIH Sailing Association Open House

The NIH Sailing Association invites everyone to its open house on Thursday, Mar. 4 from 5 to 8 p.m. at the FAES House on the corner of Old Georgetown Road and Cedar Lane. Would you like to learn to sail? Does the idea of racing sailboats appeal to you? Can you imagine being part of a group filled with skilled sailing instructors, enthusiasts and boat owners? Membership includes instruction, sailboats for charter, racing, cruises, parties and fun. Admission is $5 at the door and includes pizza and sodas; $2 for beer or wine. For more information, visit

NIH Chamber Singers Auditions

The NIH Chamber Singers welcome men and women in all voice ranges to round out its merry band of troubadours. In February, the group will begin rehearsing for its Spring concert. If you are interested in joining the Singers, contact Susan Hauser at for details.

Minority Students Learn About NIAID

NIAID's Office of Training and Special Emphasis Programs is hosting the second annual Intramural NIAID Research Opportunities (INRO) program Feb. 1-5 on campus. INRO 2004 brings together 21 students from underrepresented minority groups across the country interested in exploring career opportunities in allergy, immunology and infectious diseases.

The program introduces students to research and training opportunities in the Division of Intramural Research and the Vaccine Research Center. The 5-day INRO program includes scientific lectures by NIAID researchers, discussions with scientists, tours of the laboratories in the Research Technology Branch and the VRC. Current NIAID postbacca-laureate and postdoctoral minority trainees are participating in the program, giving the visiting students an opportunity to learn more about laboratory projects and training experiences.

For more information, contact Dr. Wendy Fibison, or (301) 496-6400.

AFGE Donates to R&W Patient Care Fund

The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) Local 2419 raised $1,500 for the R&W Foundation's patient care fund during its annual holiday raffle. This donation, which tripled last year's gift, will be used to support monthly events and activities for the Clinical Center's pediatric patients. The union recently presented a check to R&W officials at the Clinical Center. Shown are (from l) George D. Peters Jr., AFGE; Randy Schools, R&W president; Charles Butler, CC rehabilitation medicine department; Richard A. Laubach, Local 2419 president; Todd Loveless, AFGE treasurer. "We support all of the efforts of NIH," said Laubach. "The holiday raffle allows us to participate, give something back to NIH and the patients, and hopefully provide a little more joy and comfort for the kids." In addition, the union collected and donated more than 200 toys to pediatric patients for the holidays.
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