Congressman Rodney Alexander
Louisiana's 5th District
Picture of Louisiana
Picture of Louisiana
Picture of Louisiana
Picture of Louisiana


I Stand with Israel
WASHINGTON, D.C. – As Israel responds to the ongoing indiscriminate assault from Hamas terrorists in Gaza, I stand firmly with our democratic ally.

Congress Should Set Clear Example by Halting Automatic Pay Increase
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Desperate economic times may call for desperate measures, but an automatic pay increase for Members of Congress should not be on the table.

Stubborn Leadership Refuses Vote on Drilling
WASHINGTON, D.C. – I was not quite ready to leave Washington for the August district work period this year, though I always look forward to the month and the extended time I have to travel around our sprawling district and visit with individuals, groups and businesses from all over our area.

Democratic Leadership Must Allow a Vote on Domestic Drilling
WASHINGTON, D.C. – While many of my colleagues and I have been pushing for solutions to the nation's energy crisis, including increasing the U.S. oil production in areas such as the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Democratic leaders have consistently stuck to the old routine – blaming the Administration.

Congress' Constitutional Right To Appropriate Funding Must Be Exercised With Integrity
For four years now, I have served as a member of the House Appropriations Committee, and despite the scrutiny and false conceptions the word "earmark" conjures for some, I continue to regard my appointment as an opportunity to not only ensure the needs of the 5th Congressional District are represented in Congress but also as a duty to the American people to ensure the House committee responsibly exercises the power over appropriations granted to Congress by the U.S. Constitution.

Americans Must Get Behind Members With Plan to Lower Gas Prices
WASHINGTON, D.C. – For many families in Louisiana and across the country, the high cost of gasoline has reached crisis level. $4-a-gallon gas does not put a "strain" on the average family budget; it breaks it.

Farm Bill Tug-of-War Finally Over
After nearly a year and a half of committee talks, conference negotiations, a Presidential veto, repeated extensions, postponed votes and, yes, more conference negotiations, the House of Representatives finally passed the farm bill conference report Wednesday, May 14, and this time around, the version appears to have the support to trump a Presidential veto.

Social Security and Medicare Trustees' Reports Reiterate Call for Action
This year's Social Security and Medicare Trustees' reports paint a bleak picture for the future of the two programs. But then, so did last year's.

Majority's Budget Resolution Burdens Taxpayers
At a time when so many Americans are enduring the effects of a weakened economy and sinking deeper into anxiety over mortgage payments, high gas prices, rising health care costs and job losses, House majority leadership pushed through a budget resolution that essentially shrugs off these concerns.

Congress Must Take a Stand Against Measures that Weaken Military, National Defense
If the swipe the City Council of Berkeley, Calif. took at the few and the proud when it kicked the U.S. Marine Corps out of its downtown recruiting office this month was not enough to get one's patriotic blood boiling, Congressional leadership's allowing an important anti-terrorist bill to expire might do the trick.

Change to Stimulus Good for Seniors, Veterans But Will the Bill Be Enough?
In response to an outpouring of Congressional and public concern, Congress passed an amended version of the Economic Stimulus Package Thursday night, and, thankfully, the version did fill in some holes the original version contained.

It's a Season of Change For Louisiana's Leadership
The weather was warm and sunny on the day our new governor officially took office, unseasonably warm weather that seemed to foretell of brighter days ahead for Louisiana.

Holding the Line on SCHIP Reauthorization Pays Off for Children in Need
Knowing how to compromise is a rare, but useful, skill among government officials. In most cases, the only way to resolve an issue is for both sides to give a little, but there are always those exceptions when compromising is not an option.

Remaining Steadfast Secured Noteworthy Progress This Session
Congress is closing in on the end of the session this week, and it's going to be a legislative sprint to the finish line.

Veterans Day Revives Gratitude for Generations Past and Present
In generations past, being a veteran was a distinction a great many Americans proudly shared.

Congress Must Protect the Purpose of SCHIP, Reach Out to Children Not Yet Enrolled

This week, the President vetoed legislation to expand the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), an action I believe was necessary in order to protect the original purpose of the program – to provide health insurance to children in low-income families who cannot afford private insurance, but make too much money to qualify for Medicaid.

August District Work Period Sheds Light on Local Concerns, Sucesses
WASHINGTON, D.C. – When I was growing up in Jackson Parish, summer always seemed to pass so quickly. I guess that's one thing that hasn't changed over the years because September still has a way of sneaking up on me.

Trip to Cuba Sheds Light On Untapped Market for Louisiana’s Producers

WASHINGTON, D.C. – During the recent Congressional recess, I had the rare opportunity of traveling to Cuba with a Congressional delegation from the House Appropriations Agriculture Subcommittee.

The House of Representatives Must Stand Firm Against Amnesty

Senate Bill Is Not Tough Enough on Illegal Immigration
WASHINGTON, D.C. – This week, the Senate has been debating various provisions in an immigration reform bill that includes amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Congress Must Fund the Real Fight

Political Ploys Jeopardize Troop Safety
WASHINGTON, D.C. – When our brave men and women join the military, they vow to serve and protect our country – not a political party.

Earth Day Reminds Us of Our Responsibility to Future Generations

WASHINGTON, D.C. – This past Monday, I had the pleasure of attending an Earth Day event at Rayville High School, which included a student-attended program titled “Washington Comes to Rayville.”

Uncovering Needs Can Boost Congress’ Progress in Supporting Veterans
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Recent reports exposing the poor condition of facilities at Walter Reed Army Medical Center have unleashed more than shock – and disappointment – from citizens across our nation.

Congress Must Pass a Farm Bill That Protects Louisiana’s 5th District Farmers

WASHINGTON, DC – If someone were to read the job description of a farmer – an honest, unromanticized description that revealed all of the stress and uncertainties that are a part of farming – he would wonder why in the world anyone would choose that profession.