Bioinformatics | Proteomics News

New Array Analysis and Display Tool

We have also been working with Dr. Peter Lemkin of the Laboratory of Experimental and Computational Biology, DBS, NCI-Frederick. Dr. Lemkin has also made an array analysis and display tool that is very robust, can be run either as an applet or an application and has many features being added almost daily. We have been trying to get the many sources of microarray data (e.g., Affymetrix, Incyte and NCI) to all work seamlessly with Dr. Lemkin's program and have currently added the capability to work with the Incyte Gem data.

The Microarray Explorer can be seen at We hope to eventually be able to use this tool to compare data from experiments performed with these different technologies directly.

Finch Suite of Sequence Analysis and Storage Applications Available

The ABCC recently acquired the finch suite of sequence analysis and storage applications. These tools allow for the storage and retrieval of raw and processed sequence information. The platform can also be used to submit sequencing requests to the Molecular Technology Laboratory in either 96well or individual analysis. The request information as well as any of the derived sequence information can then be viewed or retrieved via the web.

Sequence Analysis with your Web Browser

Now with either Netscape (4.04 or later), or Internet Explorer (4.0 or l ater), and an account at the ABCC, you can have easy access to GCG's sequence a nalysis tools through SeqWeb.

If you've been discouraged from using GCG's command line interface, which can be complex and yet very powerful, you should give SeqWeb a try. SeqWeb will allow you to focus on analyzing your sequence rather than how to use the software. Just go to SeqWeb and login in with your ABCC username and password. Then it's just POINT, CLICK, PULL-DOWN, HIGHLIGHT, CUT, and PASTE to use this comprehensive set of bioinformatic tools.


  • Access to ABCC's daily updated nucleotide and protein databases.
  • On-line tutorial from the Introduction button.
  • Sequence Manager allows you retrieve sequences from a database, a clipboard or you own local file.
  • Save results as a local file either as text or HTML.
  • Select size of graphics to best fit your display.

Many additional features make SeqWeb quick and easy to use. If you have an ABCC account and want to try SeqWeb, or would like to apply for an ABCC account, contact our HELP DESK at 301-846-5555 or send email to

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