The 2000-2001 Hooker Oak School KMAC Kids

The 2000-2001 Hooker Oak School KMAC Kids

Secondhand Smoke is a mixture of the chemicals in the smoke given off by the burning end of a citarette, pipe, or cigar and the smoke that is exhaled (breathed out) from the lungs of the smoker.

Secondhand smoke is also called environmental botacco smoke (ETS) or passive smoking.

Children who breathe secondhand smoke are more likely to suffer from pneumonia, bronchitis, and other lung diseases. They often suffer more ear infections.

Secondhand smoke may cause thousands of healthy children to develop asthma each year.

Young children who breathe secondhand smoke are more likely to get lung infections, resulting in thousands of hospitalizations each year.

Please choose not to smoke in your home or car,
especially when children are present!

The choices you make will affect your health
and the health of the children you love!

California Environmental Protection Agency
Supplement to Indoor Air Quality Guideline No. 2


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