Mutation Mass Shifts
Delta masses between various amino acids
An aid for explaining how an observed mass change could represent an AA mutation.

This table lists the delta masses between various amino acids and can be used to help explain how an observed mass change could represent an AA mutation.

  • Residues DOWN the left indicate the EXPECTED residues.
  • Residues ACROSS the top indicate the MUTANT residues.
    G 57 143040424446565758717274809099106129
    A 71 -14162628303242434457586066768592115
    S 87 -30-16101214162627284142445060697699
    P 97 -40-26-102461617183132344050596689
    V 99 -42-28-12-2241415162930323848576487
    T 101 -44-30-14-4-221213142728303646556285
    C 103 -46-32-16-6-4-21011122526283444536083
    L/I113 -56-42-26-16-14-12-10121516182434435073
    N 114 -57-43-27-17-15-13-11-111415172333424972
    D 115 -58-44-28-18-16-14-12-2-11314162232414871
    Q/K128 -71-57-41-31-29-27-25-15-14-1313919283558
    E 129 -72-58-42-32-30-28-26-16-15-14-12818273457
    M 131 -74-60-44-34-32-30-28-18-17-16-3-2616253255
    H 137 -80-66-50-40-38-36-34-24-23-22-9-8-610192649
    F 147 -90-76-60-50-48-46-44-34-33-32-19-18-16-1091639
    R 156 -99-85-69-59-57-55-53-43-42-41-28-27-25-19-9730
    Y 163 -106-92-76-66-64-62-60-50-49-48-35-34-32-26-16-723
    W 186 -129-115-99-89-87-85-83-73-72-71-58-57-55-49-39-30-23
    All values are (column-row). The mass difference observed is consistent with a ROW to COLUMN mutation.