Accelrys Software: FELIX

FELIX is the industry standard for off-line data processing, spectral visualization and analysis software for all types of high resolution, one- dimensional to four dimensional, homonuclear and heteronuclear NMR data.

FELIX 2D/ND, Assign, and Autoscreen run on PCs running Windows 98, NT, 2000, and XP, and SGI workstations. FELIX Analytical and Model only run on SGI workstations.

FELIX 2D/ND constitute programs for processing, displaying, and analyzing all types of high-resolution, solid-state, in vivo, one- to four-dimensional, and homonuclear and heteronuclear data using the same set of processing tools.

FELIX-Analytical has been designed to provide semi-automated anaylsis and assignment of two dimensional spectra of organic molecules.

FELIX-Assign is a unique package for computer-assisted assignment of 2D, 3D, and 4D NMR spectra of proteins and nucleic acids, which includes tools for semiautomatic spin system detection, identification, sequential assignment, and NOE crosspeak assignment.

FELIX-Autoscreen automates the processing and management of large sets of NMR data.

FELIX-Model is an option of the FELIX program that provides direct interaction between experimental NOESY data, molecular structures, and back-calculated NOESY data within an integrated interface.

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