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The National Children's Study (NCS) Study Centers Web site - Improving the health of America's children
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The National Children's Study listservs provide a way for the public to stay informed about what is happening with the Study at the national, Study Center, and local levels. We will use the listservs to send periodic, targeted e-mail information directly to members about Study activities and developments. To join, select one or more of the listservs below, fill out the online form, and click on the 'Subscribe' button below.

The Study will use your e-mail address for listserv communications only.


The National Children's Study also has a national Web site ( which provides overall information about the Study and provides access to the overall Study's listserv. Would you like to join the Study's listserv?   

If you want to receive a printed copy of a listserv announcement, please contact the Study Center.