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  caBIO Portlet
Added by Konrad Rokicki, last edited by Konrad Rokicki on Dec 02, 2008  (view change)



caBIO Portlet

The caBIO Portlet is an alternative GUI for caBIO which allows for easier access to caBIO data for non-programmers, or users interested in exploring caBIO data before coding against its APIs. The Portlet is written to the JSR standards and the Liferay Portal container. It is currently deployed as part of the caGrid Portal.

Release Notes


The caBIO Portlet functionality is currently divided among two tabs. In the future, more tabs may be added with additional functionality. The current tabs are "Simple Search" and "Templated Searches".

Simple Search

This simple search will allow you to type in a query string and search all of the text fields in the model by leveraging caBIO's FreestyleLM indexes (powered by Lucene). The search is generally very fast, and does not require a page refresh, making it useful for conducting quick look-ups. The results are presented in an abbreviated Google-like format, for ease of browsing. Each result represents one object instance in caBIO. Clicking on the title of a result will bring up details about that object.

Templated Searches

More specific searches can be conducted with one of the Templated Search options. The templates require some predefined parameters, and will bring back results that are more exhaustive than the Simple Search. For example, when searching for Microarray Reporters (for example, Microarray Annotations -> Reporter Lookup by Name), the Templated Search will no only bring back information about the ExpressionArrayReporter object, but also data in associated objects, such as physical locations, cytoband, the microarray which the reporter resides on and the associated gene.


National Cancer Institute Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health