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A Note to Parents or Guardians

From: _____________________________

Date: ______________________________

In school, your child has been learning about lead poisoning. Lead poisoning is a serious but preventable health problem. Lead can cause permanent damage to young children. It can harm the brain and other parts of the nervous system and can cause long-term behavior and learning problems.

Millions of houses and apartments built before 1978 have paint that contains lead. Dust and flakes from this paint are the major sources of lead poisoning in children.

Symptoms of Lead Poisoning in Elementary School Children

Children with lead poisoning may not look or act sick. Even if children do show some signs of lead poisoning, these symptoms can often be mistaken for other illnesses, such as the flu.

Early symptoms may include As more lead accumulates, children may More severe symptoms may include In school, children with lead poisoning may

Children who are not lead poisoned may show some of these symptoms from time to time, although usually to a much milder degree. Moreover, many of the symptoms of lead poisoning may also indicate other health conditions or learning and behavior problems. However, if you suspect lead poisoning, you should have your child tested by a doctor or other medical professional. A simple blood test can tell you if your child has been lead poisoned.

Protecting Children from Lead Poisoning

Here are the important messages your children have been taught about lead poisoning: For further information, contact your local health care provider or your local health department.


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