Duplin County newspaper features monthly column to inform county residents about National Children's Study 

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Last Reviewed:  1/8/2009
Last Updated:  1/8/2009

Duplin County newspaper features monthly column to inform county residents about National Children's Study 

The Duplin Times newspaper will begin a monthly column featuring news about the National Children’s Study starting February 5, 2009. The column will include highlights from the Study’s progress in the field and information on some of the health issues the Study is designed to examine, such as preterm birth, obesity, autism, allergies, and childhood diabetes. The column will also feature profiles of the Study team and Community Advisory Group members.

“We are really excited about the opportunity to include the community in this way,” said Lawrence Rouse, chair of the Duplin NCS Community Advisory Group and President of James Sprunt Community College.  “A monthly column keeps the National Children’s Study at the forefront of the community,” said Rouse.

Students from UNC’s award-winning School of Journalism will assist with writing the NCS Duplin Times column.