Duplin County Research Team 

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Last Reviewed:  1/8/2009
Last Updated:  1/8/2009

Duplin County Research Team 

The National Children’s Study research team in Duplin County is a collaborative effort led by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC). Barbara Entwisle, Director of the Carolina Population Center (CPC) and Nancy Dole, Deputy Director of the CPC, lead the Study team. Battelle Memorial Institute is handling most of the contacts with Study participants, while Duke University provides expertise with the medical community.

Find out more about the Study team at the North Carolina Study Center.


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University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC)

The North Carolina Study Center that oversees all of the NCS work in Duplin County is based at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. UNC is the oldest public institution of higher education in the U.S. The university’s mission is to provide excellence in teaching, research, and service, and the National Children’s Study touches all areas of this mission. Administration of the Study takes place at the Carolina Population Center (CPC). The UNC team focuses on community outreach and interactions with the medical community in Duplin County. The team provides overall scientific guidance, supervision, and administration of the NCS in Duplin County.


Logo for Battelle

Battelle Memorial Institute
Battelle Memorial Institute is a partner with UNC and is taking the lead on the majority of the data collection activities in Duplin County. Battelle’s Durham office, part of the Health and Life Sciences Global Business, involves staff dedicated to survey operations. Battelle operates the NCS office in Kenansville in Duplin County.


Logo for Duke Medicine

Duke University
Duke University is a partner with UNC for the National Children’s Study, and Duke’s involvement in the Study is based in the Duke Clinical Research Institute, a multidisciplinary group of faculty and staff within the Duke University Medical Center. The Duke team, along with UNC, provides expertise for the medical aspects of the study and oversight of the UNC medical outreach staff in Duplin County.


Duplin County Research Team Investigators and Staff
(for contact information, visit the North Carolina Study Center Research Team page.)

Barbara Entwisle               Principal Investigator – UNC
Nancy Dole                       Co-Principal Investigator – UNC
Charles Knott                    Director, Survey Operations – Battelle
Emmanuel (Chip) Walter    Investigator and Pediatrician – Duke University
John Thorp, Jr.                  Investigator and Obstetrician – UNC
Deborah Bailey                 Project Manager – UNC
Barbara Eucker                 Medical Outreach Liaison – UNC

The following staff are based in Duplin County:

Pamela Taber                   County Outreach Staff
Suzanne Thomas               Hospital Coordinator