ABCC System Status: Message Of The Day

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Dexter, the 128 processor 512GB IA-64 batch server will be taken out of service on January 5, 2009 due to the end of the lease
term with SGI.   Jobs that were running on Dexter will need to be 
directed to the current X86-64 batch servers.  Please specify the appropriate memory and processor resources  for your job, along 
with the architecture linux-x86_64, and it will be directed to the appropriate batch server.  For example:

 qsub -l pvmem=20gb,ncpus=4,arch=linux-x86_64

There are limited resources for large memory high i/o jobs at this time however there are more systems being shipped to the ABCC 
and they will be added to the batch servers as they can be brought online.  
The available X86-64 applications are located in /opt/nasapps/bin.
