Community Supporters 

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Last Reviewed:  1/8/2009
Last Updated:  1/8/2009

Community Supporters 

Community outreach and engagement is very important to the National Children’s Study. The Study’s design involves reaching many communities and neighborhoods across the United States, and within North Carolina there are seven counties that will be involved. The North Carolina Study Center is actively involved in five counties and anticipates being involved in one more. Informing the members of the community about the Study, obtaining guidance from those individuals, and keeping them informed over the more than 20 years of the Study is critical to success. We will set up offices in each county and have community outreach staff placed in our central offices and in each county to ensure this linkage.

We also have outreach activities at the state and regional levels. Our team will meet with community organizations, state agencies, and the scientific and research community to let them know about the Study and seek their input to ensure the success of the National Children’s Study in North Carolina.