Professional Services
Laboratory of Cell Biology
National Cancer Institute
Lab staff  

For outside speakers, consultants, etc., who need to be compensated for their services, complete the Request for Professional Services form and give it to the LCB office. A "Statement of Work" is also required. Please refer to the model below.

Statement of Work (model)

XXXXXXXXXXXX is Professor and Chairman of the Department of XXXX at the University of XXXXXXX in XXXXX, XXXXXX. He is a recognized international expert in the field of xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx and xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. During his visit to my laboratory from July xx-xx, 200x, he will present a seminar to the Laboratory of Cell Biology entitled ““xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx". The seminar will be held in Building 37, Room 2041 on July x, xxxx. This topic will also be of significant interest to a number of diverse groups at the NIH, and Prof. XXXXXXXXX will meet over the course of his visit with individual members of my Section to discuss topics of mutual interest. The speaker's experience and knowledge in the specific areas of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx are essential to achieving the purpose of this government-sponsored meeting.