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Changing Passwords

Your email password must be changed every 180 days (6 months). You may choose to change your password more often. For information on choosing a good password, please read the information provided on password security.

To change your password, with any software, you must first know your current password. If you do not know your current password, you will need to call the ABCC Help Desk at x5555 for assistance. Please have your user authentication code (uac) off your initial paperwork available for user confirmation. If you do not have your uac, please fax a photo ID (NCI ID or Drivers License) to x7070 along with a written request for a new password, your phone number, and your signature and someone will contact you with a new password.

If you use Eudora to retrieve your email from the mail server, you may change your password directly in Eudora. To change your password in Eudora, go to Special > Change password > and it will prompt you through changing your password.

If you use Outlook or Webmail to read e-mail, you can use webmail to change your password. To change your password, open your browser (Internet Explorerer, Netscape...) then go to and enter your username and your e-mail password. Your usename is anything before the @ sign in your e-mail address. Then click on the password icon on the top bar.

If you encounter any problems changing your password, please call the Helpdesk at x5555 for assistance.





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