NIH GUIDE, Volume 21, Number 29, August 14, 1992

P.T. 34


  Biomedical Research Training 

  Biomedical Research, Multidiscipl 

RFA:  GM-92-003

National Institute of General Medical Sciences

Application Receipt Date:  November 6, 1992


The National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) announces a

pilot program, the Supplements for Undergraduate Research Experience

(SURE) Program, to provide supplements to NIGMS grants to enable

Principal Investigators (PI) to support undergraduate students for a

10-week summer research experience in their laboratories.  The purpose

of the program is to attract talented students to careers in the

biomedical sciences by giving them a hands-on research experience at a

critical point in their academic careers.


PIs at domestic institutions who hold an active Research Project (R01),

First Independent Research Support and Transition (FIRST) (R29), Method

to Extend Research in Time (MERIT) (R37), Program Project (P01), or

Center (P50) grant from the NIGMS are eligible to submit a request for

an administrative supplement.  Recipients of Academic Research

Enhancement Awards (AREA) (R15) and Small Business Innovative Research

(SBIR) (R43 and R44) grants are not eligible, nor are PIs at foreign

institutions.  In all cases, the parent grant must have support

remaining through the period of the proposed SURE award.

It is expected that each parent grant, including Program Projects and

Centers, will support only one undergraduate student through this

program.  Award of an administrative supplement to support a minority

undergraduate student under the Research Supplements for

Underrepresented Minorities program or a disabled undergraduate student

under the program of Research Supplements to Promote the Recruitment of

Individuals with Disabilities into Biomedical Research Careers in no

way precludes an award to the PI through the SURE Program.


Support will be provided through supplements made to active R01, R29,

R37, P01, and P50 grants funded by the NIGMS.  This RFA is a one-time


Successful applicants for supplements will be notified in February 1993

in order to provide sufficient time to recruit talented students.  The

supplement is not to exceed $6.00 per hour for salary plus $125 per

month for supplies for a period of 10 weeks.  Equipment may not be

purchased from these funds.  Applicable indirect costs will be

provided.  Supplemental funds will be restricted to the purpose

described in this announcement.  Recipients of supplements must submit

appointment forms (PHS 2271) to the NIGMS.  Students who are supported

by SURE awards will be designated "NIGMS Summer Scholars" and will

receive certificates at the completion of their research experience.


It is estimated that the NIGMS will award up to 250 SURE awards.  This

level of support is dependent on the receipt of a sufficient number of

applications of high merit.  Although this program is provided for in

the financial plans of the NIGMS, awards pursuant to this RFA are

contingent upon the availability of funds for this purpose.


The NIGMS is strongly committed to supporting research training in the

biomedical sciences through its institutional training grants and

individual fellowships awarded under the National Research Service

Award (NRSA) Act.  The NIGMS recognizes that to maintain the success of

its training programs, talented undergraduate students must continue to

be attracted to the biological sciences and related areas, such as

chemistry, physics, and mathematics.  Often, however, promising

undergraduates, particularly at large, research-intensive universities,

are deterred from pursuing science majors because of a lack of

opportunity for personal participation in research at a critical stage

in their academic careers.

The SURE Program will make administrative supplements to NIGMS research

grants to enable PIs to provide support for undergraduate students who

participate in research in their laboratories for the summer.

Supplements will be awarded for support during the summer of 1993, and

it is hoped that institutional and other sources of support will enable

interested students to continue the research experience beyond the

initial summer.

Supplements to NIGMS research grants are designed to provide beginning

undergraduate students who have not yet begun their junior year with a

summer research experience.  The proposed research must be an integral

part of the approved ongoing research supported by the parent grant.

As part of this research experience, the student must be given the

opportunity to interact with scientists and graduate students in the

laboratory, to contribute intellectually to the research, and to

enhance research skills and knowledge in the particular area of

biomedical science.  In addition, the PI must demonstrate an ability

and a willingness to serve as a supportive mentor and a role model in

encouraging interest in a career in biomedical research.  Although it

is understood that other members of the laboratory will be involved in

the student's training, it is expected that the PI will be responsible

for serving as the primary mentor.  In particular, it is expected that

the PI will discuss with the student the ongoing  research in the

laboratory and its broader scientific context, appropriate laboratory

practices and scientific conduct, appropriate use of human subjects and

animals, if applicable, and career options.  Supplemental awards will

be consistent with the goal of strengthening the existing research

program.  Awards will be made according to the policies and provisions

stated in this announcement.

Students are expected to devote an equivalent of 10 weeks of full-time

effort to the research project.


By acceptance of a supplement, the PI agrees to provide the NIGMS, as

part of the next progress report (non-competing, competing, or final),

with an evaluation of the student's accomplishments during the program.

In addition, the PI is responsible for ensuring that the student submit

a one to two page report which should include both a description of the

research project and results obtained and an evaluation of the research

experience and an assessment of its impact on career goals.  This

report should be submitted to the NIGMS no later than September 15,



All requests for supplements must be received by November 6, 1992.  In

making requests, the grantee institution, on behalf of the PI of the

parent grant, must submit four copies of the application, including a

signed original, directly to:

Office of the Associate Director for Program Activities

National Institute of General Medical Sciences

Westwood Building, Room 940

5333 Westbard Avenue

Bethesda, MD  20892

The request for a SURE award must include the following:

o  A completed face page (with appropriate signatures) from grant

application form PHS 398 (rev. 9/91).  This form is available at most

institutional business offices and from the Office of Grants Inquiries,

Division of Research Grants, National Institutes of Health, 5333

Westbard Avenue, Room 449, Bethesda, MD 20892, telephone (301)

496-7441.  Include on line 1 the title and grant number of the parent

grant and specify on line 2a (Response to Specific Request for

Applications or Program Announcement) "Supplement for Undergraduate

Research Experience."

o  A brief description (maximum of three pages), prepared by the PI of

the parent grant, that includes:

(a) the PIs plans for mentoring, training, and advising the student.

It is NOT necessary to have identified a student for support at the

time of submission of the request, but, if a student has not been

identified, some indication should be given of the plans to recruit,

the criteria for selection of a student, and the likelihood of success;

(b) plans for the student's research experience and a discussion of the

student's role in relation to the research supported by the parent


(c) expectations for how the research experience will foster the

research capabilities and scientific interests of the student;

(d) a proposed budget entered on the budget pages from the grant

application form PHS 398; and

(e) documentation, if applicable, that the proposed research experience

was approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)

or the Human Subjects Review Board (IRB) of the grantee institution.


The staff of the NIGMS will review requests for supplements using the

following general criteria:

o  Adequacy of the plan for the proposed research experience of the


o  Evidence that the experience will enhance the research potential,

knowledge, and/or skills of the undergraduate and his/her interest in

biomedical science;

o  Evidence that the activities of the student will be an integral part

of the project;

o  The suitability of the research environment; and

o  The commitment of the PI and the grantee institution to promote and

support undergraduate research.  A strong indication of the PIs

commitment is a demonstration of past mentorship of undergraduates.


It is hoped that many of the students supported under the SURE Program

will be able to continue their research experiences beyond the 10-week

period with institutional support.  A commitment of this sort from the

PI and the grantee institution would be viewed favorably in making



Principal Investigators interested in applying for this program may

contact the program administrator whose name appears on the Notice of

Grant Award or:

Michael Martin, Ph.D.

Deputy Associate Director, Office of Program Activities

National Institute of General Medical Sciences

Westwood Building, Room 938

Bethesda, MD  20892

Telephone:  (301) 496-7063

Inquiries regarding fiscal matters are to be directed to the grants

management specialist whose name appears on the Notice of Grant Award


Ms. Ruth Monaghan

Deputy Grants Management Officer

National Institute of General Medical Sciences

Westwood Building, Room 953

Bethesda, MD  20892

Telephone:  (301) 496-7746


This program is described in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance

No. 93.821, 93.859, 93.862, 93.863.  Awards are made under

authorization of the Public Health Service Act, Title IV, Part A

(Public Law 78-410, as amended by Public Law 99-158, 42 USC 241 and

285) and administered under PHS grants policies and Federal Regulations

42 CFR 52 and 45 CFR Part 74.  This program is not subject to the

intergovernmental review requirements of Executive Order 12372 or

Health Systems Agency review.


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