NIH GUIDE, Volume 23, Number 7, February 18, 1994




National Institute of General Medical Sciences

Application Receipt Dates:  February 1, June 1, and October 1


The Minority Access to Research Careers (MARC) Program of the

National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) provides

research training opportunities for faculty and students at four-year

colleges that have a substantial enrollment of students from

underrepresented minority groups.  As part of its ongoing commitment

towards enhancing the research and research training environment at

these colleges, NIGMS provides support for faculty at these

institutions to enhance their research skills.  This announcement

describes the new Faculty Development Award from the NIGMS Minority

Opportunities for Research (MORE) Branch.  This new program provides

support for eligible faculty to spend the summer (or one academic

term) every year for two to five years in full-time research in a

research-intensive laboratory.


A candidate must:

o  be full-time, permanent faculty in biomedically-related science or

mathematics at the home institution for at least three years at the

time of submission of the application; (Note, permanent does not mean

tenured or tenure-track but implies the expectation of continued

employment in the normal course of events.  Adjunct or part-time

faculty are not eligible.);

o  have received the Ph.D. or equivalent at least seven years before

the date of the application;

o  intend to return to the home institution at the end of the

training period;

o  demonstrate a commitment to research and teaching in a minority


o  plan to conduct research in a science (including mathematics)

related to biomedical or behavioral research; AND

o  be a citizen or a non-citizen national of the U.S., or have been

lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the U.S., at the time of


The home institution is the college or university where the candidate

is employed at the time of the application.  The home institution


o  be a domestic private or public minority institution, that is, one

with a significant enrollment of underrepresented minorities.  For

purposes of this announcement, underrepresented minorities are

individuals belonging to racial/ethnic groups underrepresented in the

biomedical or behavioral sciences.  Nationally, these groups include

African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, and Pacific

Islanders.  Institutions must document eligibility by providing

appropriate enrollment data;

o  offer at least the baccalaureate degree in the biomedical or

behavioral sciences or mathematics;

o  support the candidate's plans; AND

o  guarantee and provide appropriate release time each year for the

candidate for full-time research and to take courses  at the research


The research institution is the university or other  institution at

which the candidate conducts his/her full- time summer research and

takes courses.  It may be a public or  private, domestic or foreign

institution.  The research  institution:

o  must offer a solid research environment as evidenced by a

high-level of faculty involvement in biomedical research and a

high-level of research support through competitive grants (or similar

quality-based support, such as Howard Hughes Medical Institute

support); AND

o  may NOT be the candidate's home institution.

In addition, the sponsor, who will direct the candidate's research,

must be a faculty member (or equivalent) at the research institution

and should have a distinguished record of achievement in research

documented by high quality research publications and/or competitive

research grant support.


Awards under this program will use the Minority School Faculty

Development Award (K14).  The applicant must request at least two

years but not more than five consecutive years of support.  The

awards are renewable.


The purpose of the MORE Faculty Research Award Program is to enhance

the research and research training capabilities of the home

institution by offering faculty the opportunity to update or enhance

their research skills through high quality research experiences.  The

candidate will also have the opportunity to enroll in one course per

academic term in fields directly related to the research in order to

update his/her theoretical background.  The expectation is that these

new skills will enhance the research and teaching environment of the

home institution.  Ideally, the experience would lead to long-term

collaborations between the candidate and the faculty of the research


Additional Information

Candidates must engage in full-time research at the research

institution for the summer (or other academic term) every year for at

least two and not more than five consecutive years.  Only ONE period

of full-time research in a SINGLE academic OR calendar year will be

supported.  In addition, the candidate may enroll in one course per

academic term at the research institution provided that the course is

directly relevant to the candidate's research career development.

All research and course work must be done at a single research

institution unless an exception is granted by NIGMS in writing.

The application must contain a letter signed by appropriate officials

of the HOME INSTITUTION, including the candidate's department head,

(1) supporting the candidate's plans; (2) guaranteeing the necessary

release time for the candidate; (3) certifying the candidate's

eligibility for the program; and (4) establishing the institution's

eligibility as a  minority institution through enrollment data.

The application must also contain a statement, signed by the

appropriate authorizing official, that the RESEARCH INSTITUTION

agrees to the arrangements described in the application.  If an award

is made, the home institution and the research institution must

establish the appropriate formal agreements.

The PROPOSED RESEARCH SPONSOR is considered to be "key personnel" for

this project and should be listed on page 2 of the application.  The

application MUST include a biographical sketch (form page FF) and

description of grant support (form page GG) for the proposed research

sponsor.  In addition, the application should contain a letter of

commitment from the sponsor describing his/her support for the

applicant's research plan.

Allowable Costs

An applicant may request a salary equal to the candidate's actual

annual salary and appropriate fringe benefits prorated for the period

of time during which the candidate is engaged in full-time research

at the research institution; salary support will not be provided for

the time the candidate is enrolled in an academic course.  The

applicant may also request up to $3000 per year for supplies,

equipment and other expenses, which may include travel to scientific

meetings and/or the research site, provided that these costs are

DIRECTLY related to the candidate's full-time research experiences.

In addition, an applicant may request  funds to pay tuition and fees

for one course per academic term to be taken at the research

institution.  No funds will be provided for housing at the research

site.  Direct costs requested may not exceed $50,000 in any year.

Indirect costs will be provided at eight percent of allowable direct


During the period of full-time research at the research institution,

the candidate's salary may be supplemented by either the home

institution or the research institution using non-Federal sources of

funds only.


Applicants for the MORE Faculty Development Award (K14) are to use

the regular research grant application form PHS 398 (rev. 9/91).

These forms are available in many institutional offices of sponsored

research; from the Office of Grants Information, Division of Research

Grants, National Institutes of Health, 5333 Westbard Avenue, Room

449, Bethesda, MD 20892, telephone (301) 435-0714; and from the NIGMS

MARC Program Office at the address listed under INQUIRIES.

In Item 2a, the candidate must give the PA number (PAR-94-034) and

type the title "MORE FACULTY DEVELOPMENT AWARD."  In item 2b, the

candidate should type "K14."

The HOME INSTITUTION will serve as the grantee institution.

Submit a signed, typewritten original of the application, including

the Checklist and other required supporting material, and five

photocopies of the signed application and any appendices in one

package to:

Division of Research Grants

National Institutes of Health

Westwood Building, Room 240

Bethesda, MD  20892**

Applications will be accepted for the following research application

receipt dates: February 1, June 1, and October 1.


Applications will be evaluated for completeness by the Division of

Research Grants and eligibility by staff in NIGMS before review.

Only those found to be complete and eligible will be reviewed for

technical merit; others will be returned without review.

Applications will be evaluated in accordance with the criteria stated

below for scientific and technical merit by  peer review groups in

the Division of Research Grants.  The second level of review will be

provided by the senior staff in NIGMS.  It is critical that the

application contain sufficient information about each of these

elements to enable the reviewers to make a reasoned evaluation.

Review criteria

o  the applicant's qualifications and potential for a successful

career as a researcher and teacher at a minority institution assessed

in terms of research and teaching experience; professional honors and

awards; scientific publications and/or presentations; references;

training and career goals; and plans for using research experiences

to enhance the research and teaching capability of the home


o  quality and appropriateness of the proposed research and, if

applicable, the associated course work;

o  quality of the research environment at the research institution,

including, but not limited to, the qualifications and grant support

of the sponsor;


Awards will be made on the basis of the technical merit of the

application.  In addition, among highly qualified candidates,

preference may be given to those who demonstrate a strong commitment

to research and teaching at a minority institution and who present

evidence of strong support from the home and the research

institutions, including the research sponsor.

Review Schedule

Application Receipt Dates:  March 1     July 1      November 1

Initial Review:             June        October     February

Secondary Review:           August      January     May

Earliest Start:             September   February    June


Inquiries about the Faculty Development Award are welcome.  Questions

concerning programmatic issues, including institutional eligibility,

may be addressed to:

Dr. Yvonne Maddox

Minority Access to Research Careers Program

National Institute of General Medical Sciences

Westwood Building, Room 950

Bethesda, MD  20892

Telephone:  (301) 594-7823

Questions concerning fiscal matters may be addressed to

Ms. Toni Holland

Grants Management Specialist

National Institute of General Medical Sciences

Westwood Building, Room 935

Bethesda, MD  20892

Telephone:  (301) 594-7819


This program is described in the Catalog of Federal Domestic

Assistance No. 93.880, Minority Access to Research Careers.  Awards

are authorized by sections 301 and 405 of the Public Health Service

Act, as amended and administered under PHS grants policies and

federal Regulations 45 CFR Part 74 and 45 CFR Part 92.  This program

is not subject to the intergovernmental review requirements of

Executive Order 12372 or Health systems Agency review.


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