RELEASE DATE:  October 31, 2002

RFA:  GM-03-006

National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) 

Letter of Intent Receipt Date: November 29, 2002
Application Receipt Date: December 30, 2002 


o Purpose of this RFA
o Program Objectives
o Mechanism(s) of Support 
o Funds Available
o Eligible Institutions
o Individuals Eligible to Become Principal Investigators
o Special Requirements
o Where to Send Inquiries
o Letter of Intent
o Submitting an Application
o Peer Review Process
o Review Criteria
o Receipt and Review Schedule
o Award Criteria
o Required Federal Citations


Minority Opportunity for Research (MORE) Division, Minority Biomedical 
Research Support (MBRS) Branch of the National Institute of General Medical 
Sciences (NIGMS) announces a limited initiative to solicit competing 
supplemental applications to acquire laboratory equipment.  The purpose of 
these supplemental grants is to assist Support for Continuous Research 
Excellence (SCORE) grantee institutions in acquiring and maintaining 
individual pieces of equipment or establishing an equipment core.  Although 
equipment is an allowable cost in SCORE grants, these supplements should 
provide the research faculty with equipment that is either not readily 
available or is lacking but that is essential to conducting their research.  
The supplemental funds may be used to purchase new equipment or to upgrade 
existing equipment for use by investigators in the biological, behavioral or 
biomedical related sciences.



In the NIH Revitalization Act of 1993, NIH was encouraged to increase the 
number of underrepresented minorities participating in biomedical and 
behavioral research.  In response to the Act, the NIGMS established the MBRS 
program which includes the SCORE initiative.  The purpose of the MBRS 
program is to assist biomedical and behavioral research faculty to develop 
competitive research programs at minority-serving institutions and to 
increase the number of underrepresented minority scientists professionally 
engaged in biomedical research.  In addition, the MBRS Branch recognizes 
that eligible institutions are diverse in institutional environment and 
mission.  Therefore, with respect to evaluation, the SCORE program requires 
that each institution set its own goals and measurable objectives that are 
based on its self assessment and that it identify anticipated milestones for 

Types of Equipment Requests

Individual Equipment Items:  Applicants may request costs for individual 
pieces of equipment necessary to facilitate progress in a particular 
research subproject.  Justification for the equipment should be based on its 
utility to drive the research forward and its present unavailability at that 
Multi-user research core facilities:  Costs for multi-user research core 
facilities are allowable.  The core may include substantial equipment and 
services that will be shared by multiple research subprojects of the 
program.  A plan for access to the facility, its maintenance, management and 
use must be included.  The core may also include a technical assistant to 
maintain and service the equipment and instruct faculty and students in its 
use.  To aid in the review, it is suggested that a tabular summary show the 
estimated or actual proportional use of this core component by each project, 
and other investigators and students.  Justify this core component by 
discussing ways in which these centralized services improve quality, bring 
about an economy of effort, and/or save overall costs as compared to their 
inclusion as part of each research subproject.  Plans to maintain the core 
facility beyond the grant period should be discussed.  Support for large 
pieces of equipment, however, may be limited by the MBRS budget.  


This RFA will use competing supplements (Type 3) to an existing NIH SO6 MBRS 
award mechanism.  As an applicant you will be solely responsible for 
planning, directing, and executing the proposed project.  For equipment, 
this is a one-time solicitation and awards are not renewable.  Institutions 
that responded to this solicitation in FY2002 are eligible to reapply.


NIGMS intends to commit approximately $3-7 million in FY 2003 to fund 
supplemental equipment grants in response to this RFA. Because the nature 
and cost of the equipment may vary, it is anticipated that the size of each 
award will also vary.  Although the financial plans of NIGMS provide support 
for this supplement program, awards pursuant to this RFA are contingent upon 
the availability of funds and the receipt of a sufficient number of 
meritorious applications.  At this time, it is not known if this RFA will be 


Eligible institutions are those with current MBRS SCORE grants.  
Institutions must have at least one year of support remaining at the time of 
award and the supplemental award may not extend beyond the parent grant.  
MBRS SCORE institutions that responded to this RFA in FY2002 are eligible to 


The PI for this supplement must be the PI (Program Director) of the parent MBRS 
SCORE grant. 


Although requests for equipment should be justified with regard to enhancing 
the progress of the research, it must not change the scope of the research 

A progress report will be required as a part of a subsequent non-competing 
application (Type 5), competing renewal (Type 2) application, or of the 
close-out package if a competing renewal application is not awarded.  This 
progress report should describe the benefits derived from institution-wide 
use of the equipment and provide specific information on overall use of the 
equipment or equipment core.

Allowable costs

Support for equipment for a subproject and/or equipment for core facilities 
may be requested.  The minimum cost allowable is for a single piece of 
equipment is $20,000 and the maximum is $750,000.  The minimum aggregate 
cost allowable is $50,000 and the maximum is $1,000,000.  Three price quotes 
are required for all individual equipment costing more than $25,000 and 
these quotes must be provided with the grant application.  Applications 
without the required price quotations will be considered incomplete and will 
not be reviewed.  In addition, when fully justified, support for a technical 
assistant to maintain and teach others in the use of the equipment is 
allowed. Support may be requested during competitive renewal of MBRS SCORE 
grants (up to $40,000 per year) for continued support of personnel beyond 
the supplement-funded period. 

Consultation with the program officer is encouraged if questions arise (see 

Unallowable Costs

Unallowable costs include: 
o  Computers for individual use;
o  Computers and audiovisual equipment for general classroom use;
o  Supplies and other laboratory items whose cost is less than $20,000.


We encourage inquiries concerning this RFA and welcome the opportunity to answer 
questions from potential applicants.  Inquiries may fall into three areas:  
scientific/research, peer review, and financial or grants management issues:

o Direct inquiries regarding programmatic issues to:

Chief, MBRS Branch 
National Institute of General Medical Sciences
45 Center Drive, Room 2As.37, MSC 6200
Bethesda, MD 20892-6200
Telephone: (301)594-3900
FAX: (301)480-2753

o Direct inquiries regarding review issues to:

Helen R. Sunshine, Ph.D.
Chief, Office of Scientific Review
National Institute of General Medical Sciences, NIH
45 Center Drive, Room 3AN.12F, MSC 6200
Bethesda, MD 20892-6200
Telephone: (301)594-2881
FAX: (301)480-8506

o Direct inquiries regarding fiscal matters to:

Antoinette Holland
Grants Management Officer
Grants Management Branch
Division of Extramural Activities
National Institute of General Medical Sciences, NIH
45 Center Drive, Room 2AN.50, MSC 6200
Bethesda, MD 20892-6200
Telephone: (301)594-5132
FAX: (301)480-2554


Prospective applicants are asked to submit no later than November 29, 2002 a 
letter of intent to apply for these supplements. In this letter of intent, 

o a descriptive title of the proposed project, 
o the name, address, and telephone number of the MBRS current grant program 
director who must be the PI of the supplemental application, 
o the names of other key personnel, and 
o the number and title of the RFA. 

Although a letter of intent is not required, is not binding, and does not enter 
into the review of a subsequent application, the information that it contains 
allows NIGMS staff to estimate the potential review workload and plan the review.

The letter of intent is to be sent by the date listed at the beginning of 
this document.  The letter of intent should be sent to:

Derrick C. Tabor, Ph.D.
Program Director, MORE Division
45 Center Drive, Room 2AS.37, MSC 6200 
Bethesda, MD 20892-3900 
Telelephone: (301) 594-3900 
Fax: (301) 480-2753 


Applications must be prepared using the PHS 398 research grant application 
instructions and forms (rev. 5/2001).  The PHS 398 is available at in an interactive format.  
For further assistance contact GrantsInfo, Telephone (301) 435-0714, Email:


In addition to following the PHS 398 instructions for supplements, for 
example, all supplements are required to have a one page introduction, the  
supplementary instructions below should also be followed.

RESEARCH PLAN (Not to exceed 25 pages)

Under the Research Plan, the PI should provide the information requested 
below.  This section may not exceed 25 pages.  Equipment quotations, letters 
from collaborators and consultants, and the checklist are excluded from the 
25 page limit.

Section 1:  Describe how the requested equipment has (1) relevance to the 
institution's goals and specific objectives, (2) immediate utility to 
specific research project(s), and (3) how the investigator(s) will take 
advantage of unique features of the equipment to enhance progress of the 
research project(s).  Describe how the requested equipment will provide an 
innovative approach to the research being conducted.  Describe how the 
equipment will significantly enhance the scientific environment in which the 
research is being conducted and how it will contribute to the probability of 
meeting the goals and objectives of the SCORE program.
Section 2:  Describe the plan for maintenance of the requested equipment and 
how the institution will assist in support of the equipment requested.

Section 3:  Describe your plans to share data generated from the requested 
equipment (if applicable).

Section 4:  Complete Section 3 ("Facilities and Administrative Costs") of the PHS 
398 Form Checklist.

USING THE RFA LABEL: The RFA label available in the PHS 398 (rev. 5/2001) 
application form must be affixed to the bottom of the face page of the 
application.  Failure to use this label could result in delayed processing 
of the application such that it may not reach the review committee in time 
for review.  The RFA number must appear on the label.  In addition, the RFA 
title and number must be typed on line 2 of the face page of the application 
form and the YES box must be marked.  The RFA label is also available at:

SENDING AN APPLICATION TO THE NIH: Submit a signed typewritten original of the 
application, including the Checklist, and three signed photocopies of the 
application in one package by December 30, 2002 to:

Center for Scientific Review
National Institutes of Health
6701 Rockledge Drive, Room 1040, MSC 7710
Bethesda, MD 20892-7710
Bethesda, MD20817 (for express/courier service)

At the time of submission to CSR, two additional copies of the application must be 
sent to:

Office of Scientific Review
National Institute of General Medical Sciences
45 Center Drive, Room 3AN.12, MSC 6200
Bethesda, MD 20892-6200

APPLICATION PROCESSING: Applications must be received by the application receipt 
date listed in the heading of this RFA. If an application is received after that 
date, it will be returned to the applicant without review.
The Center for Scientific Review (CSR) will not accept any application in 
response to this RFA that is essentially the same as one currently pending 
initial review, unless the applicant withdraws the pending application.  The 
CSR will not accept any application that is essentially the same as one 
already reviewed. This does not preclude the submission of substantial 
revisions of applications already reviewed, but such applications must 
include an Introduction addressing the previous critique.


Upon receipt, applications will be reviewed for completeness by the CSR and 
responsiveness by the NIGMS.  Incomplete and/or non-responsive applications will 
be returned to the applicant without further consideration. 

Applications that are complete and responsive to the RFA will be evaluated for 
scientific and technical merit by an appropriate peer review group convened by the 
NIGMS in accordance with the review criteria stated below.  As part of the initial 
merit review, all applications will:

o Receive a written critique
o Undergo a selection process in which only those applications deemed to 
have the highest scientific merit, generally the top half of applications 
under review, will be discussed and assigned a priority score
o Receive a second level review by the National Advisory General Medical 
Sciences Council.


The goals of NIH-supported research are to advance our understanding of 
biological systems, improve the control of disease, and enhance health.  In 
the written comments, reviewers will be asked to discuss the following 
aspects of your application in order to judge the likelihood that the 
proposed research will have a substantial impact on the pursuit of these 

o Significance 
o Approach 
o Innovation
o Investigator
o Environment
The scientific review group will address and consider each of these criteria in 
assigning your application's overall score, weighting them as appropriate for each 
application. Your application does not need to be strong in all categories to be 
judged likely to have major scientific impact and thus deserve a high priority 
score.  For example, you may propose to carry out important work that by its 
nature is not innovative but is essential to move a field forward.

Applications submitted in response to this RFA are supplemental to an 
existing award.  Since these were previously reviewed using the NIH standard 
review criteria, the following review criteria will be used to determine the 
merit of the supplemental application for equipment:

(1) SIGNIFICANCE: For research subproject equipment: Does the requested 
equipment have relevance and immediate utility and will the investigator 
take advantage of unique features of the equipment to enhance progress of 
his/her research project? For equipment core: Does the proposed equipment 
core satisfy the needs of specific research and pilot projects and is there 
a plan for coordinating equipment core use by several faculty members?

(2) APPROACH: For subproject equipment: Is there a plan for its maintenance?  
For equipment core: If technical assistance for core is requested, does the 
technician have the appropriate background and skills to maintain the 
equipment and instruct others in its use?  If a technical assistant is not 
requested, is the plan for its maintenance and service adequate?

(3) INNOVATION: For all equipment: Has the investigator shown that the 
equipment will provide an innovative approach to accomplishing the original 
aims of the research project(s)?

(4) INVESTIGATOR:  For subproject equipment: Has the investigator been 
productive in documenting his/her research findings in refereed journals?  
Will this equipment enhance his/her productivity?

(5) ENVIRONMENT: For all equipment: Will the equipment significantly enhance 
the scientific environment in which the research is being conducted and 
contribute to the probability of meeting the goals and objectives of the 
SCORE program?  For all equipment: Is there evidence of institutional 

ADDITIONAL REVIEW CRITERIA: In addition to the above criteria, your application 
will also be reviewed with respect to the following:

PROTECTIONS:  The adequacy of the proposed protection for humans, animals, or the 
environment, to the extent they may be adversely affected by the project proposed 
in the application.

INCLUSION:  The adequacy of plans to include subjects from both genders, all 
racial and ethnic groups (and subgroups), and children as appropriate for the 
scientific goals of the research.  Plans for the recruitment and retention of 
subjects will also be evaluated. (See Inclusion Criteria included in the section 
on Federal Citations, below.)

DATA SHARING:  The adequacy of the proposed plan to share data. 

BUDGET:  The reasonableness of the proposed budget and the requested period of 
support in relation to the proposed research.


Letter of Intent Receipt Date: November 29, 2002 
Application Receipt Date: December 30, 2002
Peer Review Date: March 2003
Council Review: May 2003
Earliest Anticipated Award Date: June 1, 2003


Award criteria that will be used to make award decisions include:  

o The likelihood that the applicant institution will fulfill the proposed 
project objectives and further the goals of the MBRS program 
o Scientific merit (as determined by peer review)
o Availability of funds 
o Programmatic priorities
NIH maintains a policy that children (i.e., individuals under the age of 21) must 
be included in all human subjects research, conducted or supported by the NIH, 
unless there are scientific and ethical reasons not to include them. This policy 
applies to all initial (Type 1) applications submitted for receipt dates after 
October 1, 1998.
All investigators proposing research involving human subjects should read the "NIH 
Policy and Guidelines" on the inclusion of children as participants in research 
involving human subjects that is available at

requires education on the protection of human subject participants for all 
investigators submitting NIH proposals for research involving human subjects.  
Refer to this policy announcement in the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts 
Announcement, dated June 5, 2000, at
URLs IN NIH GRANT APPLICATIONS OR APPENDICES: All applications and proposals for 
NIH funding must be self-contained within specified page limitations. Unless 
otherwise specified in an NIH solicitation, Internet addresses (URLs) should not 
be used to provide information necessary to the review because reviewers are under 
no obligation to view the Internet sites.  Furthermore, reviewers are cautioned 
that their anonymity may be compromised when they directly access an Internet 
HEALTHY PEOPLE 2010: The Public Health Service (PHS) is committed to achieving the 
health promotion and disease prevention objectives of "Healthy People 2010," a 
PHS-led national activity for setting priority areas. This PA is related to one or 
more of the priority areas. Potential applicants may obtain a copy of "Healthy 
People 2010" at 
This program is described in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance No. 93-
375. Sections 301 and 405 of the Public Health Service Act, as amended authorize 
awards, and these are administered under PHS grants policies and Federal 
Regulations 42 CFR part 52c, 45 CFR part 74, and 45 CFR part 92.  See also Senate 
Appropriations Committee Report, No. 92-316, July 29, 1971, Executive Order 12900, 
Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans February 22, 1994, Executive Order 
12876, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, November 1, 1993, and 
Executive Order 13021, October 21, 1996 and Outline of Work Plan, August 18, 1998, 
White House Initiative on Tribal Colleges and Universities.  Applications are not 
subject to the intergovernmental review requirements of Executive Order 12372 or 
Health Systems Agency review.
The PHS strongly encourages all grant and contract recipients to provide a smoke-
free workplace and promote the non-use of all tobacco products.  In addition, 
Public Law 103-227, the Pro-Children Act of 1994, prohibits smoking in certain 
facilities (or in some cases, any portion of a facility) in which regular or 
routine education, library, day care, health care or early childhood development 
services are provided to children.  This is consistent with the PHS mission to 
protect and advance the physical and mental health of the American people.

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