Middle East Cancer Consortium

About MECC Cancer Registry Program Small Grant Project Other MECC Activities Useful Links


This site is hosted by the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD, USA.

Last Update: May 16, 2008
Contact Information


Cancer Registry Project

The MECC Cancer Registry Project (CRP), which started in January 1998, supports cancer registration in all MECC jurisdictions. Population-based registration can be used to inform public health planning, cancer research, and cancer control programmes.

The CRP has emphasised from its inception the importance of high-quality data. The achievement of data standardisation, accuracy, and coverage enables international comparisons of cancer incidence. In fact, the first bilateral comparative study has recently been completed between Israel and Jordan.

In the long term, it is anticipated that registry data will be used to:

  • Estimate the overall cancer burden in the Middle East
  • Identify any unusual cancer patterns
  • Provide an evidence base for health policy planning
  • Catalyze collaborative cancer research
  • Enable the development of cancer control strategies and programmes

Click on the links to the left to learn more about:

  • Registries in each of the member jurisdictions
  • Membership of the CRP Steering Committee
  • Data standards used by all members for cancer registration
  • Software used for registry development
  • Training of cancer registrars
  • Publications that have emerged from the CRP