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Frequently Asked Questions: caArray

What is caArray?
caArray is an open-source, Web-based array data management system that allows researchers to annotate and exchange array data among biomedical institutions. As a caBIG™-compatible application, caArray is connected to the global infrastructure of caGrid but allows for local management and control of array data. As a grid data service, caArray furthers translational cancer research through the acquisition, dissemination, and management of array data in order to support subsequent analysis by tools and services both on and off caGrid.

How does caArray make research more efficient?
Researchers can use this application to more efficiently retrieve, manage, analyze, and share not only their own microarray data, but also microarray data from other contributing institutions. Read more



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New Microarray Management Solution Improves Workflow, Boosts Collaboration
caArray Version 2.0 Goes to Work in Research Labs across the Country

Today, a single microarray experiment can generate more than one million data points. Just as microarray technology is developing rapidly, so too are the data management tools required to organize and manage the flood of information. At the forefront of this transformation is caArray 2.0, a newly released data management system that supports the natural lifecycle of a microarray experiment and permits the timely exchange of data between institutions.

caArray 2.0, released in February 2008, enables researchers to easily capture annotated data and share their work with other interested stakeholders in an efficient, secure manner—ultimately accelerating discoveries and improving patient outcomes. Informed by the extensive user feedback they received following the initial release of caArray in 2003, a development team led by the National Cancer Institute Center for Bioinformatics (NCICB) updated the tool to support a truly integrated flow of array data both into—and out of—a given institution.

“One of the most important features of caArray is how it facilitates cross-institutional data sharing,” explained Juli Klemm, Ph.D., associate director of integrative cancer research products and programs at the NCICB.

caArray 2.0 is already in use at a number of institutions across the United States, including The Jackson Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and Washington University. Many of these institutions are just starting to realize the advantages of using caArray. Gerald Fontenay, computer systems engineer at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory explained, “So far, [caArray] has been very well received, especially considering that it is a ‘new’ release. We are shooting for general use around our labs.” Read more


National Cancer InstituteNational Institutes of HealthDepartment of Health and Human