
Publications are in .pdf format.

General Publications

New Issues in the Diagnosis and Management of Turner Syndrome

Effects of ovarian failure and X-chromosome deletion on body
composition and insulin sensitivity in young women

Uterine Development in Turner Syndrome

The physical phenotype of girls and women with Turner Syndrome is not X-imprinted

Congenital Cardiovascular Disease in Turner Syndrome

Turner's Syndrome and X Chromosome-Based Differences in Disease Susceptibility

Analysis of Auditory Phenotype and Karyotype in 200 Females with Turner Syndrome

The Effect of Genetic Differences and Ovarian Failure: Intact Cognitive Function in Adult Women with Premature Ovarian Failure Versus Turner Syndrome

Recommendations for the Diagnosis and Management of Turner Syndrome

Growth Hormone Effects

Growth Hormone Treatment and Left Ventricular Dimensions in
Turner Syndrome

Growth Hormone Therapy and Bone Mineral Density in
Turner Syndrome

Growth Hormone Treatment and Aortic Dimensions in
Turner Syndrome


The Importance of Estrogen Replacement in Young
Women with Turner Syndrome

Growth Hormone Therapy and Bone Mineral Density in
Turner Syndrome

Selective Reduction in Cortical Bone Mineral Density
in Turner Syndrome Independent of Ovarian Hormone Deficiency

Bone Mineral Density and Fractures in Turner Syndrome


Current and lifetime psychiatric illness in women with Turner Syndrome

Truth-telling and Turner Syndrome: The Importance of Diagnostic Disclosure

Shyness, Social Anxiety, and Impaired Self-esteem in Turner Syndrome and Premature Ovarian Failure

Turner Syndrome: Four Challenges Across the Lifespan


Impaired Insulin Secretion in the Turner
Metabolic Syndrome

Monosomy for the X-Chromosome Is Associated with an
Atherogenic Lipid Profile

Maternal X Chromosome, Visceral Adiposity,
and Lipid Profile


Prolongation of the Cardiac QTc Interval in Turner Syndrome.

Aortic Dilatation and Dissection in Turner Syndrome.

Major Vascular Anomalies in Turner Syndrome: Prevalence and Magnetic Resonance Angiographic Features

Association Between Fetal Lymphedema and Congenital Cardiovascular Defects in Turner Syndrome

Growth Hormone Treatment and Left Ventricular Dimensions in Turner Syndrome

New Issues in the Diagnosis and Management of Turner Syndrome

Prolonged Rate-Corrected QT Interval and Other Electrocardiogram Abnormalities in Girls With Turner Syndrome