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Content-class: urn:content-classes:message
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Thread-Topic: Reviewing the first SOPs
Thread-Index: AcW5NNgmJdFqsyb9R6eFd6RwaTvxXgAV0j6AAAgxAvA=
Message-ID:  <[log in to unmask]>
Date:         Wed, 14 Sep 2005 21:38:27 -0700
Reply-To:     "Hwang, Yi-Cheng" <[log in to unmask]>
Sender:       "caBIG(TM) CTMS Clinical Trials Best Practices SIG listserv"
              <[log in to unmask]>
From:         "Hwang, Yi-Cheng" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      Re: Reviewing the first SOPs

Hi Donna, Your point is well taken, and I'd just like to echo what Scott had mentioned: 1. It is not mandatory that the sites adopt and use the caBIG SOPs. Sites have the option to review the SOPs and use them as a starting point for developing their own SOPs. 2. The existing caBIG SOPs were developed by domain expertise from both the intra and extramural sites (we could provide the list of representatives). Best efforts from multiple stakeholders have been put into creating this initial set of SOPs. 3. The caBIG SOPs are designed to be technology/tool neutral and written at a high-level to focus on defining what must be done. The procedure descriptions and workflows, which may be customized to meet each site's specific approach, describes the specifics on the how. 4. In fact, the caBIG SOP "AD001_PD_Develop_and_Maintain_SOPs" specifies the annual review procedure for the SOPs. The revision and review of SOPs is definitely an important topic, I think we should revisit this topic in our next SIG call. Thanks, Andrea ______________________________________________________ Yi-Cheng (Andrea) Hwang Programmer Analyst Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center University of California, Irvine 714-456-2226 voice 714-456-5039 fax [log in to unmask] -----Original Message----- From: caBIG(TM) CTMS Clinical Trials Best Practices SIG listserv [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Finley Scott Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 5:36 PM To: [log in to unmask] Subject: Re: Reviewing the first SOPs Donna- Of course you are welcome to review the SOPs. I'd strongly recommend doing that first. If you find fundamental problems, your insights will be helpful indeed. If you find something that's almost right for your purposes, it just makes good sense to adapt it. In any case you are under no obligation to do anything with them at all. The existing SOPs were developed with a well-managed process that pulled in the key representative expertise needed to jump-start what is a very challenging activity. The people who contributed to that effort have earned our gratitude through their hard work. The SOPs are a gift to the community from that group, and I urge us all to treat them accordingly. --Scott Scott Finley, MD, MPH caBIG(TM) CTMS Workspace Booz Allen Hamilton 410-908-9800 (Cell) [log in to unmask] -----Original Message----- From: caBIG(TM) CTMS Clinical Trials Best Practices SIG listserv [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Donna Marlatt Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 9:50 AM To: [log in to unmask] Subject: Reviewing the first SOPs Hello All- Yesterday during the first Best Practices SIG teleconference, John Speakman asked the question if the BP SIG can review the current 40-something draft SOP's before their actual release in September. I remember the answer being that we can look at them, but that the details of the SOP's will not be revisited, therefore, they are pretty much finalized waiting to be published. I feel uneasy with that answer as a community member trying to be involved with this process. It just makes sense as a "community effort" to have domain experts take a look at what has already been done and at least have the opportunity to discuss if need be. If there are no discussions after a certain time, then there aren't any changes that need apply? A discussion only means that whoever will be using these SOP's in the future may have the same questions and why not go ahead and clarify them right now? This is not re-hashing a process but I think a Best Practice in itself within the caBIG's strategic vision and goals regarding the community-based process. Is there a timeframe where publicly-released SOP's are reviewed, therefore allowing for revisions in the procedures as the domain experts see fit? Donna Marlatt NCCC-Dartmouth


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