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Lipids and the Pathophysiology of Obesity

Hotel Reservations

Please make your reservations directly with the Renaissance Washington DC hotel no later than Friday, April 9th, 2004. To obtain the negotiated rate of $150 plus taxes (currently 14.5%) for a single room, you must indicate that you will be attending the Lipid Metabolism Workshop.

Renaissance Washington DC Hotel

999 9th Street NW
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: (202) 898-9000 or (800) HOTELS-1
Fax: (202) 962-4470

Online Hotel Reservations
Click Here, then select "Reserve a Room" and enter the group code liplipa in the appropriate box.



Reagan National Airport (703) 685-1400

Washington Dulles International Airport (703) 685-1400

Baltimore/Washington International Airport (BWI) (800) 435-9294

Taxi (703) 528-4440
Reagan National Airport to the Renaissance: ~$10
Dulles Airport to the Renaissance: ~$40

Limousine (301) 258-7755
Reagan National Airport to the Renaissance: ~$50
Dulles Airport to the Renaissance: ~$70
BWI Airport to the Renaissance: ~$100

From Reagan National Airport, a cost-effective way to get to the hotel is by using the Metrorail system. From the Airport station, take the Yellow Line and get off at the Gallery Place/Chinatown stop. Take the 9th and G Street Exit and head north for 2 blocks (this will be against traffic). The Renaissance Hotel will be on your right.

When arriving by train: Union Station

Driving Directions to the Renaissance Washington DC Hotel

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