Medical Text Indexer (MTI)
formerly the Indexing Initiative System (IIS)
Current Medical Text Indexer (MTI):

The MTI system consists of software for applying alternative methods of discovering MeSH headings for citation titles and abstracts and then combining them into an ordered list of recommended indexing terms. The top portion of the diagram consists of three paths, or methods, for creating a list of recommended indexing terms: MetaMap Indexing, Trigrams and PubMed Related Citations. The first two paths actually compute UMLS Metathesaurus® concepts which are passed to the Restrict to MeSH process. The results from each path are weighted and combined using the Clustering process. The system is highly parameterized not only by path weights but also by several parameters specific to the Restrict to MeSH and Clustering processes.

A prototype MTI system described below had two additional indexing methods which were removed because their results were subsumed by the three remaining methods.

Please Note:The image below has hot links to the descriptions of the various methods and processes. You can also find these descriptions by selecting the appropriate entry from the "Descriptions" section just to the right.

Related Publications:


Original Indexing Initiative Prototype System:

The Indexing Initiative Prototype System consists of software for applying alternative methods of discovering MeSH headings for citation titles and abstracts and then combining them into an ordered list of recommended indexing terms. The top portion of the diagram consists of five paths, or methods, for creating a list of recommended indexing terms: the INQUERY method, MetaMap Indexing, Barrier Words with Approximate Matching, Trigrams and PubMed Related Citations. The middle three paths actually compute UMLS Metathesaurus® concepts which are passed to the Restrict to MeSH process, and the outer two paths compute MeSH headings directly. The results from each path are weighted and combined using the Clustering process. The system is highly parameterized not only by path weights but also by several parameters specific to the Restrict to MeSH and Clustering processes.

Please Note:The image below has hot links to the descriptions of the various methods and processes. You can also find these descriptions by selecting the appropriate entry from the "Descriptions" section just to the right.

Related Topics
Semi-Automatic Indexing

Fully Automatic Indexing

Full Text Processing

MetaMap Indexing algorithm
      Path 1 - prototype and MTI

Trigram algorithm
      Path 2 - prototype and MTI

Barrier Word algorithm
with Approximate Matching

      Path 3 - prototype only

Related Citations algorithm
      Path 4 - prototype
      Path 3 - MTI

INQUERY algorithm
      Path 5 - prototype only

Restrict to MeSH process

Extract MeSH Descriptors process

Clustering and Ranking process

Last Modified: August 12, 2008 ii-public
Links to Our Sites
MetaMap Public Release
NEW: Distributable version of the actual MetaMap program.
Indexing Initiative (II)
Investigating computer-assisted and fully automatic methodologies for indexing biomedical text. Includes the NLM Medical Text Indexer (MTI).
Semantic Knowledge Representation (SKR)
Develop programs to provide usable semantic representation of biomedical text. Includes the MetaMap and SemRep programs.
MetaMap Transfer (MMTx)
Java-Based distributable version of the MetaMap program.
Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD)
Test collection of manually curated MetaMap ambiguity resolution in support of word sense disambiguation research.
Medline Baseline Repository (MBR)
Static MEDLINE Baselines for use in research involving biomedical citations. Allows for query searches and test collection creation.
Lister Hill Center Homepage Link - Image of Lister Hill Center Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications   NLM Homepage Link - NLM Logo U.S. National Library of Medicine   NIH Homepage Link - NIH Logo National Institutes of Health
DHHS Homepage Link - DHHS Logo Department of Health and Human Services
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