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Lung Imaging Database Consortium (LIDC)
Mission & Goals
Implementation Objectives
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Cornell University
University of California, Los Angeles
University of Chicago
University of Iowa
University of Michigan

Implementation Objectives

1. The primary purpose of this project is to develop an image database for the evaluation of CAD methods for lung nodule detection and diagnosis using helical CT.
  1.1 The database is to contain helical CT images of representative cases selected from lung cancer screening studies or diagnostic studies. The database should enable the correlation of performance of CAD methods for detection and classification of lung nodules with spatial, temporal and pathological ground truth. The database is to be web-accessible by the imaging research community as soon as possible. It should provide a resource for the training and development of CAD methods. The Consortium will document evaluation metrics that are valid for various CAD tasks as reported in the literature and that can be used to assess investigator-developed CAD methods for lung nodule detection and classification (benign/malignant). These quantitative methods are intended to facilitate comparison of the relative performance of published CAD methods.
  1.2 The database is envisioned to be a single repository through which investigators can:
(a) define subsets of data for individual research purposes using a query system, and
(b) define consistent reference subsets of data to evaluate the relative performance of CAD methods using a specified or recommended query method.
  1.3 The fields in the relational database should have sufficient detail to allow a wide range of search parameters. All patient-identifying information will be removed and the data anonymized, so that such information cannot be tracked. Database fields should include, for example:
(a) specifications of the CT system used to generate the image and its image acquisition protocols;
(b) case parameters and reconstruction methods for representative normal and cancer cases, including serial studies that are important for evaluation of CAD methods;
(c) spatial and pathological ground truth data, to allow a cross-correlation with computed results;
(d) the possibility for use of a flexible query system to allow for the evaluation of other future performance parameters for CAD, other image processing methods and related observer studies.
2. Secondary goals for this database include:
  2.1 Storage of raw CT image data, to permit exploration of alternative image reconstruction methods or different reconstructed slice thicknesses that may affect the performance of CAD methods, or to permit the evaluation of CAD methods that incorporate the physical performance characteristics of the CT system,
  2.2 Storage of images acquired through other tomographic modalities such as PET, to explore improved means for classification of lung nodules, and
  2.3 Storage of digital chest images to permit the development and evaluation of CAD methods for this modality.

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