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Neil's Notebook
Neil's committee work enhances Hawaii's economy, quality of life

January 14, 2009


Above, left: The 111th Congress House Armed Services Committee gets to work on National Security and Defense issues.  (Left-Right)  House Intelligence Committee Chairman and Armed Services Committee member Silvestre Reyes (TX), Armed Services Chairman Ike Skelton (MO), Air-Land Forces Subcommittee Chairman Abercrombie, and Seapower Subcommittee Chairman Gene Taylor (MS). Above, right: Neil is interviewed in a newly-built residential neighborhood made possible through his work on the Armed Services Committee.

He's brought home billions of dollars in federal investment

Congressman Neil Abercrombie joined other members of the House Armed Services Committee for their first meeting of the new 111th Congress (1/14/09). Neil also serves as Chairman of the panel's Subcommittee on Air and Land Forces which oversees the Army and Air Force. Because of his experience and leadership he's been a respected voice on the committee, as well as the full House, and has been involved in many critical debates on issues affecting America's service members and the nation's security.

As a member of Congress, Neil has worked to bring home billions of dollars in federal investment to Hawaii. Part of that funding has been spent in Hawaii because of his work as a key member, for many years, of the Armed Services Committee. The funding has included dollars to improve military facilities; to build, renovate, and maintain family housing; and to fund critical defense research projects. The research projects have helped to grow Hawaii's high-technology industry and the role of the University of Hawaii in research that touches the global community.

From his post on the Armed Services Committee, Neil has also sponsored legislation to enable creation of public-private partnerships that boost Hawaii’s economy and help address the shortage of affordable rental housing.  The long-term public-private partnerships employ thousands of construction workers, subcontractors, local small businesses to build, renovate, and manage thousands of rental housing units on military bases around Hawaii, reducing competition for rental housing in nearby communities.

In the 110th Congress, Neil co-authored bipartisan legislation requiring the Secretary of Defense to report to Congress every 90 days on the progress of plans for the withdrawal of U.S. Armed Forces in Iraq.



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