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Healthy Volunteers Sought

The Mood & Anxiety Disorders Program, NIMH, is looking for healthy volunteers, not on medication, with no current or history of psychiatric illness, between the ages of 18 and 65, for a multitude of studies. These may include PET scans, MRI, psychological interview, neuropsychological testing, and other procedures depending on the project in which you choose to participate. A stipend is available. Call 1-866-627-6464 for more information.

Are You a Woman Who Has Been Depressed?

NIMH is looking for female volunteers to participate in a study that examines the role of hormones in depression. Participants should have experienced depression in the past but not be currently depressed, be between ages 18-45, be medically healthy and not be taking any medications, including birth control pills. Study includes thorough evaluations and compensation. For more information call Linda Simpson-St. Clair, (301) 496-9576 (TTY 1-866-411-1010).

Females Needed

The Behavioral Endocrinology Branch, NIMH, is seeking female volunteers ages 18-55 to participate in studies of the effects of menstrual cycle hormones on brain and behavior. Volunteers must have regular menstrual cycles with no changes in mood in relationship to menses, be free of medical illnesses and not taking any hormones or medication on a regular basis. Payment will be in accordance with the duration of each visit and the type of protocol. For more information, call Linda Simpson-St. Clair, (301) 496-9576 (TTY 1-866-411-1010).

Study of Genes, Aging and Cognition

Healthy volunteers, over the age of 55, are needed to study the genetics of aging and cognition. Participation requires a blood draw and non-invasive clinical, neurological and cognitive testing procedures. No overnight stays. No medication trials. Compensation provided. Call Bobby Das at (301) 435 4593 or email Refer to protocol # 00-M-0085.

Malaria Vaccine Study Needs Healthy Volunteers

Healthy men and women ages 18-45, without previous history of malaria or receipt of a malaria vaccine, are needed to participate in a study on the safety and effectiveness of a new investigational malaria vaccine at Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in Silver Spring. Health screening and financial compensation are provided. Call 1-866-856-3259 toll free or (301) 319-9335/9320, or visit

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