Highlights of activities, events, new resources, and information appear below, related to the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Consumer Advocates in Research and Related Activities (CARRA) program. We encourage you to check this page often for new entries.

In addition to these items, to receive a bi-weekly summary of current information on a wider range of NCI and cancer research topics - including NCI press releases, fact sheets, clinical trials issues, and many other topics - you can subscribe to the NCI Nealon Digest (bi-weekly e-news).

Also, many NCI and National Institutes of Health (NIH) events are available for viewing on your computer, and some by Podcast, through the NIH VideoCasting site. Just a few examples include the National Cancer Institute - NIH Science Writers' Seminar (November 2005), The Cancer Genome Atlas Pilot Project Press Conference (December 2005), the National Cancer Advisory Board Meeting (February 2006), and the Traditional Chinese Medicine Oncology Conference (April 2006).