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The Environmental Art and Poetry Gallery

(Contributed by Talented Young Artists and Writers!)

Featured Environmental Art and Poetry ......

The parents of six-year old Caitlin sent us her drawing of a healthy smile! And why is the young man smiling? Caitlin says it is because he has stopped smoking and knows that he will be healthier the rest of his life as a result! (Learn About the Dangers of Smoking from Mama Didn't Know and Smokefree Kids. )


Whales are God's creations,
Divine creatures made by the master.
Yet man in his dominating stature
Kills and plunder these innocent mammals.

Don't you hear them crying?
Crying out for you and for me?
Don't you hear them begging?
Begging us to stop our cruelty?

Fertilizers, lubricants and whale bone.
Are of no value, compared to these innocent souls.
Yet whalers go over the quota.
And the number of whales go under.

We must think of the future.
Killing the whales does more harm than good.
Conserve, do not plunder.
So the whales by the future generations would be known.

Save the whales.
Do not kill them.
Save the whales.
[by Liz-ann, 13 yrs, West Indies]. Learn more about whales at the National Aquarium in Baltimore and the Whale Net websites.

Brooke of Atlanta makes this statement about her drawing of a twisted and gnarled tree trunk: "This work reflects the twisted and crumbling relationship between humans and nature. Artist: Brooke, Atlanta, Ga. This work was turned in as a sketchbook assignment for her high school art class. The medium is graphite. Also see other Tree Galleries (Non-NIEHS Link).

A colorful butterfly was drawn by Daniel (October 1, 1990 - August 27, 1997) of Wisconsin. The human characteristics that Daniel gave to the body of the butterfly seem to reflect the common bonds or shared characteristics of humans and insects (and animals too!). After all, are we really so different from all of the other living things in our environment? We all have an impact on each other and a duty to protect the world we share! Daniel's drawings were created in his K5 computer class in 1997.

You should know:
When we receive information (like the above impressions, artwork, and poems) from our readers, we do NOT request or need to receive any personal information about the artist. We ask those visitors who decide to write to us for information or who send in their creations, to first check out our Privacy Policy AND get permission from their parent or guardian! In fact, you should always get permission from your parents or guardian before providing any information by e-mail or through the internet!
Links to Other Environmental or "Just Kids" Art Resources: But first.....please visit our Links Caution .

International Child Art Foundation Gallery (Non-NIEHS Link)

National Gallery of Art Kids (Non-NIEHS Link)

OncoLink Gallery of Children's Art (Non-NIEHS Link (creations by children with cancer)

Explore Art Collections (Non-NIEHS Link)

Kids Action - Rainforest Heroes (Non-NIEHS Link)
A website where kids can share in taking care of the environment.

The Imagination Factory (Non-NIEHS Link)
There is no machinery at The Imagination Factory, and smokestacks don't pollute the air. Instead, they teach children and their caregivers creative ways to recycle by making art. Recycling is one way to minimize or lessen the amount of trash we have to throw away. When we recycle, we make a new product out of waste materials. This process helps save natural resources like trees as well as landfill space and the money needed to get rid of trash.
(Learn more about how to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle)

Kids' Gallery! (Non-NIEHS Link)
The Kids' International Space Gallery was created to foster literacy, artistic expression, and cross-cultural understanding among the world's children. See the art work collected from kids all over, and show your own art!

Watershed Steward's Project Environmental Art Gallery
Students use materials from their classrooms and from their homes to produce artwork reflecting their thoughts and feelings about watersheds and watershed restoration.

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When you encounter the words "Non-NIEHS Link", it means that by following that link you will be leaving the NIEHS website. NIEHS is NOT responsible for non-NIEHS websites. Sites maintained by outside organizations may be changed without notice to NIEHS. Therefore, unless the link is to another U.S. government sponsored webpage, endorsement by NIEHS is not implied, and NIEHS does not guarantee their continuing safe content or privacy policies. So please ask your parent or guardian before continuing to any non-NIEHS website, and especially before providing any information via the internet or by e-mail. When last reviewed, the websites linked from the NIEHS Kids' Pages seemed suitable for you to visit, but that may have changed; if you have any difficulties or concerns with any linked materials, please let us know.

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