Robert J. Crouch, PhD, Head, Section on Formation of RNA

Susana M. Cerritelli, PhD, Staff Scientist

Inna Gorshkova, PhD, Senior Research Fellow

Sergei A. Gaidamakov, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Ho-Sang Joeng, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Nicole Follmer, BS, Postbaccalaureate Fellow

Robert Wirka, BS, Postbaccalaureate Fellow

Yelena Skripchenko, MS, Research Assistant



Our research is directed toward understanding the processes involved in cellular DNA replication, the relationship of HIV replication to these cellular events, and how to use the resultant information for therapeutic purposes. We are examining the formation and resolution of RNA-DNA hybrids formed during DNA replication or transcription. Ribonucleases H are important enzymes participating in removal of the RNA of the RNA-DNA hybrids and are intimately related to DNA replication in cells as well as in HIV replication during the conversion of the RNA genome of HIV to DNA. RNases H of cells and HIV share common enzymatic mechanisms of cleavage of RNA in similar protein architectures. Drugs to alter levels of specific disease-related genes are under development to take advantage of RNases H within the cell. Regulated expression of RNases H could enhance the efficacy of the drugs. We use molecular genetic, biochemical, and mouse animal models in these efforts.

Formation of R-loop in RNA-DNA hybrids

Cerritelli, Crouch; in collaboration with Drolet

Transcribing DNA usually produces an RNA molecule that, in prokaryotic cells, is almost immediately recognized by the protein-synthetic machinery and translated into the appropriate polypeptide. In eukaryotic cells, the nascent mRNA is recognized by a set of pre–mRNA proteins, also resulting in the stabilization of single-stranded RNA. Together with the Drolet laboratory, we reported that inhibition of protein synthesis leads to extensive R-loop formation whereby the nascent RNA anneals to the DNA after exiting the RNA polymerase. R-loop formation is most noticeable when topoisomerase, the enzyme responsible for rewinding the DNA, is defective. Others have obtained similar results in S. cerevisiae when the nascent RNA-binding proteins are defective. Tying transcription to R-loop formation aids in our understanding of the role of RNases H in resolution of R-loops and suggests that these R-loops may occur at special sites and times during the life of the cell, providing means of initiating DNA repair and/or replication.

Broccoli S, Rallu F, Sanscartier P, Cerritelli SM, Crouch RJ, Drolet M. Mechanisms of transcription-induced hypernegative supercoiling in topA null mutants of Escherichia coli. Mol Microbiol 2004;52:1769-1779.

Mechanism of action of mouse and human RNases H1

Gorshkova, Gaidamkov, Cerritelli, Crouch

The observations described below support a role for eukaryotic RNases H1 in recognition and cleavage of rather long RNA-DNA hybrids. Our previous results have shown that RNase H1 is required for mitochondrial DNA replication during which rather extensive RNA-DNA hybrids may form. It has been suggested that the occurrence of such long RNA-DNA hybrids aids in the generation of the various isotypes of antibody molecules. Others have postulated a role for RNase H in the immune system but have not proven such a role. A few years ago, we discovered that eukaryotic RNases H1 have an RNase H domain similar in size, amino acid sequence, and structure to that we reported for E. coli RNase HI. Eukaryotic RNases H1 have an additional domain connected to the N-terminus of the RNase H domain that can bind to duplex RNAs even in the absence of the RNase H domain. We have now shown that this “extra” dsRNA-binding domain aids in dimerization of the full-length protein when an RNA-DNA substrate is present. Dimerization is greatly reduced when a conserved amino acid residue or two adjacent lysines are changed. The simultaneous mutation of all three amino acids results in a dramatic reduction in binding to RNA-DNA hybrids.

Pileur F, Andreola M-L, Dausse E, Michel J, Moreau S, Yamada H, Gaidamakov SA, Crouch RJ, Toulmé J-J, Cazenave C. Selective inhibitory DNA aptamers of the human RNase H1. Nucleic Acids Res 2003;31:5776-5788.

Drugs targeted to the RNase H of HIV reverse transcriptase

Gaidamakov, Gorshkova, Crouch; in collaboration with Beutler, Le Grice, Parniak

The genome of retroviruses is RNA that is copied into DNA by the virally encoded reverse transcriptase (RT). During the course of DNA synthesis, an RNA-DNA hybrid is produced that is processed in several ways by the RNase H of RT to yield the final duplex DNA that integrates into chromosomal DNA. RNase H is absolutely required for making infectious HIV and thus is an excellent target for therapeutic drugs. Our finding that RNase H1 (a cellular RNase H with sequence, structural, and mechanistic properties similar to those of the HIV RNase H) is required for completion of embryogenesis suggested that potential HIV RNase H drugs should be specific for the viral enzyme. Of more than 200,000 chemicals screened, about 50 were sufficiently active as inhibitors of the HIV enzyme to be selected for further screening. We tested these compounds against a variety of RNases H, including the human protein, and divided them into several classes depending on their relative inhibition of the various RNases H. We examined some of the compounds in our laboratory for interaction with RNA-DNA duplexes to distinguish between direct inhibition of the enzyme and binding to the substrate and thus alteration of duplex structure. Most of the inhibitors seem to interact with the enzyme or the enzyme-substrate complex. Some of the most interesting compounds are those that are more effective on the cellular enzyme. They will provide us with tools to examine RNase H1 function in cells.

Chan KC, Budihas SR, Le Grice SFJ, Parniak MA, Crouch RJ, Gaidamakov SA, Isaaq HJ, Wamiru A, McMahon JB, Beutler JA. A capillary electrophoretic assay for ribonuclease H activity. Anal Biochem 2004;331:296-302.

Eukaryotic RNase H2 activation

Jeong, Crouch

Defining the composition of enzymes is sometimes a straightforward task and at other times somewhat convoluted. Bacterial and archael RNases HII are active as a single polypeptide chain, with several key residues part of the active site. The eukaryotic RNase H2 enzyme is considerably larger than RNases HII, yet the orthologous eukaryotic polypeptide is similar in size and sequence to the smaller RNases HII. We expressed the RNase H2 polypeptide encoded by human, mouse, Caenorhabditis elegans, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae in E. coli and uniformly found the protein to have no RNase H enzymatic activity. It seems that eukaryotic RNases H2 require some modification and/or that more than one subunit is necessary for RNase H2 activity. From S. cerevisiae cells, we affinity-purified the RNase H2 polypeptide of S. cerevisiae and found two proteins copurifying in a complex. We determined the identities of these proteins by using mass spectrometry. RNase H2 activity in S. cerevisiae strains deleted for either of these two genes is absent, suggesting that both proteins may be components of the active enzyme. Co-expression in E. coli of the three proteins identified as components of RNase H2 generates an active RNase H2. Thus, the three proteins are necessary and sufficient for forming the three-subunit RNase H2. Several studies in S. cerevisiae indicate a possible interaction of one or more of the subunits of RNase H2 that might interact with a variety of other proteins, suggesting a complex between RNase H2 and other parts of the cell’s replication/repair machinery. We tested the effects on steady-state levels of RNase H2 in strains deleted for the hypothetical interactants and found no change in RNase H2 levels.

Jeong H-S, Backlund PS, Chen H-C, Karavanov AA, Crouch RJ. Ribonuclease H2 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a complex of three proteins. Nucleic Acids Res 2004;32:407-414.


John Beutler, PhD, Molecular Targets Program, Center for Cancer Research, NCI, Frederick, MD

Marc Drolet, PhD, Université de Montréal, Canada

Stuart Le Grice, PhD, Resistance Mechanisms Laboratory, HIV Drug Resistance Program, NCI, Frederick, MD

Michael Parniak, PhD, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA

Peter Schuck, PhD, Protein Biophysics Resource, ORS, NIH, Bethesda, MD

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