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Roger Woodgate, PhD, Head, Section on DNA Replication, Repair and Mutagenesis

Ekaterina Chumakov, PhD, Staff Scientist

Alexandra Vaisman, PhD, Senior Research Fellow

Mary McLenigan, BS, Chemist

John McDonald, PhD, Biologist

Samantha Mead, PhD, Visiting Fellow

Antonio Vidal, PhD, Visiting Fellow

Brian Plosky, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Majda Valjavec-Gratian, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow

Amie Gupta, Student


Under optimal conditions, the fidelity of DNA replication is extremely high: it is estimated that, on average, only one error occurs in every 1010 bases replicated. However, as living organisms are continually subjected to a variety of endogenous and exogenous DNA-damaging agents, optimal conditions rarely prevail in vivo. Even though all organisms have evolved elaborate repair pathways to deal with DNA damage, the repair pathways rarely operate with 100 percent efficiency; as a consequence, the persisting DNA lesions are replicated, but with much lower fidelity than undamaged DNA. Our general aim therefore is to understand the molecular mechanisms by which mutations are introduced into damaged DNA. The process is commonly referred to as translesion DNA synthesis (TLS) or translesion replication (TR) and is thought to be facilitated by one or more of the Y-family of DNA polymerases that are phylogenetically conserved from bacteria to humans. As in past years, we continue to investigate the TLS process in all three kingdoms of life: bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes.

Translesion replication in prokaryotes

Gupta, Mead, Valjavec-Gratian, Woodgate; in collaboration with Goodman, Paetzel

In E. coli, efficient translesion replication of many DNA lesions occurs only when the UmuC protein physically interacts with a dimer of UmuD´ to form a heterotrimeric complex of UmuD´2C, (known as E. coli pol V). Because pol V is a low-fidelity enzyme, its activities within the cell are strictly controlled at several levels. For example, the umu genes are arranged in an operon and are negatively regulated at the transcriptional level by the SOS repressor LexA. Transcriptional regulation is, however, insufficient, and the cellular levels of UmuD and UmuC are kept to a minimum through their rapid Lon-mediated proteolytic degradation. After cellular DNA damage, RecA protein nucleates on regions of single-stranded DNA and mediates the post-translational self-cleavage of LexA, leading to LexA’s inactivation and to the derepression of genes in the LexA-regulon, including umuD and umuC. Interestingly, UmuD undergoes a mechanistically similar self-cleavage reaction in which cleavage of its N-terminal 24 amino acids converts it to UmuD´ and activates it for its role in SOS mutagenesis. UmuD and UmuD´ both form homodimers but, when mixed, preferentially associate as a UmuD/D´ heterodimer, with UmuD´ becoming susceptible to proteolysis by the ClpXP serine protease. Degradation of the mutagenically active UmuD´ subunit therefore helps return cells to a resting state once cellular DNA damage has been repaired and the need for pol V has abated.

In vitro replication assays reveal that regulation of the catalytic activity of pol V is also modulated through several protein-protein interactions. For example, pol V does not catalyze TLS alone but is instead an essential component of a multiprotein “mutasome” complex composed of RecA protein, beta sliding-clamp, and single-strand DNA binding protein (SSB). In collaboration with Myron Goodman, we have investigated in detail the nature of the interactions between RecA and pol V. We found that pol V and RecA physically interact through two distinguishable mechanisms. The first occurs when pol V binds to RecA through its UmuC subunit in the absence of DNA and ATP while the second occurs through the enzyme’s UmuD´ subunit in the presence of DNA and ATP. Pol V–catalyzed synthesis with mutant RecAs with an increased affinity for ssDNA revealed that any additional RecA bound to DNA inhibits normal DNA synthesis and TLS, thereby suggesting that a RecA nucleoprotein filament is unlikely to be a prerequisite for SOS mutagenesis. Pol V failed to synthesize DNA with a RecA mutant (RecA1730) that is defective in promoting SOS mutagenesis in vivo, suggesting that RecA may serve as an obligate accessory factor necessary to stimulate pol V activity both in vitro and in vivo.

Paetzel M, Woodgate R. UmuD and UmuD´ proteins. In: Barrett AJ, Rawlings ND, Woessner JF, eds. Handbook of Proteolytic Enzymes, 2d ed. London: Academic Press, Elsevier Science, 2004;1976-1981.

Shen X, Woodgate R, Goodman MF. Escherichia coli DNA polymerase V subunit exchange: a post-SOS mechanism to curtail error-prone DNA synthesis. J Biol Chem 2003;278:52546-52550.

Translesion replication in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

McDonald, Woodgate; in collaboration with Lawrence

In addition to a variety of mechanisms that repair damage to its genome, the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae possesses mechanisms that lead to the tolerance of DNA damage by promoting translesion replication. Genetic experiments previously implicated DNA polymerases Eta, encoded by RAD30, and Zeta, encoded by REV3 and REV7, as requirements for the bypass of lesions that would otherwise cause the replicase to stall. In addition to these enzymes, translesion replication often requires the Rev1 protein, which appears to be essential for pol zeta activity, and Pol32p, a subunit of DNA polymerase delta required for induced mutagenesis. The various functions of these proteins in translesion replication remain unclear. We thus investigated their roles in the in vivo bypass of an abasic site, 6-4 photoadduct (6-4PP),and cis-syn cyclobutane dimer (CPD) by transforming isogenic yeast strains deleted for RAD30, REV3, REV1, or POL32 with duplex plasmids carrying one of the DNA lesions within a 28-nucleotide single-stranded region. Bypass frequencies and nucleotide insertion spectra revealed by the experiments showed that pol eta is only rarely involved in the bypass of the abasic sites or 6-4PP but was, as expected, solely responsible for the bypass of the CPD. The insertion of dG opposite the 3´T of the 6-4PP, characteristic of pol eta, was significantly lower (4 percent) in the rad30 deletion strain than all insertions in the wild type (10 percent), showing some involvement of pol eta in such events. However, the results also suggest that another enzyme can generate the mutations; thus, we hypothesize that pol zeta is responsible for insertion in all other bypass events. Pol delta is also clearly involved in mutagenesis, given that strains lacking Pol32 are known to be deficient in mutagenesis; in keeping with this observation, a pol32 deletion strain shows as little bypass of the abasic sites or 6-4PP photoadduct as those deficient in pol zeta or Rev1. Thus, TLS in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is complex and appears often to require a combination of one or more polymerases to facilitate the bypass of many DNA adducts.

Gibbs PEM, McDonald JP, Woodgate R, Lawrence CW. The relative roles in vivo of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pol eta, Pol zeta, Rev1 protein and Pol32 in the bypass and mutation induction of an abasic site, T-T (6-4) photoadduct, and T-T cis-syn cyclobutane dimer. Genetics 2004; Nov 1 [Epub ahead of print].

Structural analysis of lesion bypass

Plosky, Vaisman, Woodgate; in collaboration with Holliger, Kunkel, Yang

We previously identified and cloned a Y-family DNA polymerase from the thermostable archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus P2, which we called DNA polymerase IV (Dpo4). In collaboration with Wei Yang, we solved, by X-ray diffraction, the crystal structure of Dpo4 in a ternary complex with an undamaged DNA template and an incoming dexoyribose nucleoside triphosphate, revealing that, like all DNA polymerases, Dpo4 possesses a topology similar to a right hand with protein domains that resemble “fingers,” a “palm,” and a “thumb.” However, these domains are all stubby, and the active site of the enzyme is large and exposed to solvent. Dpo4 also possesses a unique domain called the “little finger,” which helps the enzyme bind to DNA. We previously hypothesized that the “cavernous” active site of Dpo4 is large enough to accept bulky DNA adducts that normally represent a block to replication by high-fidelity polymerases with a more restrictive active site. Indeed, we recently crystallized benzo[a]pyrene diol epoxide (BPDE), a large polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, in the active site of Dpo4. We solved two conformations of the BPDE lesion, one in which the lesion was intercalated between base pairs and another in which it was solvent-exposed in the major groove. Organic solvents that reduce the dielectric constant and appear more favorable for DNA replication by Dpo4 can stabilize the latter conformation. Our structures therefore provide mechanistic insights into how cells generate mutations during replication of DNA containing carcinogen-induced BPDE adducts.

Another lesion crystallized in the active site of Dpo4 was an abasic site. Even though the lesion is small, it nevertheless blocks replication by cellular replicases, as the base is physically absent and there is no genetic information to instruct continued DNA synthesis. We determined the crystal structures of Dpo4 complexed with five different abasic site–containing DNA substrates and discovered that translesion synthesis is template-directed, with the abasic site looping out, and that the incoming nucleotide is opposite the base 5´ to the lesion. The ensuing DNA synthesis generates a –1 frameshift when the abasic site remains extra-helical. We also observed that template realignment during primer extension resulted in base substitutions or even +1 frameshifts. In the case of a +1 frameshift, the extra nucleotide was accommodated in the solvent-exposed minor groove. In addition, we crystallized an unproductive Dpo4 ternary complex, which suggested that the flexible little finger (LF) domain facilitates DNA orientation and translocation during translesion synthesis.

We further investigated the possibility of orientation/translocation by making chimeras of Dpo4 and Dbh in which their LF domains had been interchanged. Dpo4 and Dbh originate from two closely related strains of Sulfolobaceae, yet the two polymerases exhibit different enzymatic properties in vitro. For example, Dpo4 can replicate past a variety of DNA lesions, but Dbh does so with a much lower efficiency. When replicating undamaged DNA, Dpo4 is prone to make base-pair substitutions while Dbh predominantly makes single-base deletions. Interestingly, by replacing the LF domain of Dbh with that of Dpo4, the enzymatic properties of the chimeric enzyme are more Dpo4-like in that the enzyme is more processive, is able to bypass an abasic site and a CPD, and predominantly makes base-pair substitutions when replicating undamaged DNA. The converse holds for the Dpo4LFDbh chimera, which is more Dbh-like in its processivity and ability to bypass DNA adducts and generate single-base deletion errors. Our studies therefore indicate that the unique but variable LF domain of Y-family polymerases plays a major role in determining the enzymatic and biological properties of each Y-family member.

We have also investigated how replicative DNA polymerases recognize their substrates with such high specificity. In a collaborative study with Philipp Holliger, we developed a strategy to expand the substrate range of polymerases by simply selecting for polymerases that were able to extend a distorting 3´ mismatch. We obtained several mutants of Taq DNA polymerase that not only extended mismatches promiscuously but that had also acquired a generic ability to process a diverse range of noncanonical substrates while maintaining high catalytic turnover, processivity, and fidelity. Interestingly, unlike the wild-type Taq enzyme, the mutant enzymes also bypassed blocking lesions such as an abasic site, a CPD, or the base analog 5-nitroindol. We also performed PCR amplification with complete substitution of all four nucleotide triphosphates with phosphorothioates or the substitution of one with the equivalent fluorescent dye–labeled nucleotide triphosphate. In the latter case, we obtained PCR products that had a 20-fold greater fluorescence intensity than those generated with wild-type Taq polymerase.

Boudsocq F, Kokoska RJ, Plosky BS, Vaisman A, Hong Ling H, Kunkel TA, Yang W, Woodgate R. Investigating the role of the little finger domain of Y-family DNA polymerases in low-fidelity synthesis and translesion replication. J Biol Chem 2004;279:32932-32940.

Ghadessy FJ, Boudsocq F, Loakes D, Brown A, Iwai S, Vaisman A, Woodgate R, Holliger P. Expansion of substrate tolerance in an A-family DNA polymerase by directed evolution. Nat Biotech 2004;22:755-759.

Ling H, Boudsocq F, Plosky BS, Woodgate R, Yang W. Replication of a cis-syn thymine dimer at atomic resolution. Nature 2003;424:1083-1087.

Ling H, Boudsocq F, Woodgate R, Yang W. Snapshots of replication through an abasic lesion; structural basis for base substitutions and frameshifts. Mol Cell 2004;13:751-762.

Ling H, Sayer JM, Plosky BS, Yagi H, Boudsocq F, Woodgate R, Jerina DM, Yang W. Crystal structure of a benzo[alpha]pyrene diol epoxide adduct in a ternary complex with a DNA polymerase. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2004;101:2265-2269.

Characterization of human DNA polymerase iota

Chumakov, McDonald, McLenigan, Mead, Vidal, Vaisman, Woodgate; in collaboration with Hanaoka, Kunkel, Lehmann

Humans possess four Y-family polymerases: pol eta, pol iota, pol kappa, and Rev1. Pol iota is of particular interest, as it was originally identified by scientists within our laboratory. Pol iota is a paralog of pol eta but, unlike pol eta, which efficiently and accurately bypasses UV-induced CPDs, the ability of pol iota to bypass CPDs is somewhat varied, with results ranging from limited misinsertion opposite CPDs to complete lesion bypass. While defects in pol eta lead to the sunlight-sensitive and cancer-prone Xeroderma pigmentosum Variant (XP-V) phenotype, the biological function of pol iota remains to be determined. Our recent studies reveal that human pol iota and the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) physically interact and that the interaction stimulates the processivity of pol iota in a template-dependent manner in vitro. Mutations in one of the putative PCNA-binding motifs (PIP-box) of pol iota or the interdomain connector loop of PCNA diminished the binding between pol iota and PCNA and concomitantly reduced PCNA-dependent stimulation of pol iota activity. Furthermore, the mutant pol iota-PIP box mutant failed to accumulate into replication foci after cellular DNA damage, indicating that an interaction between pol iota and PCNA is essential for foci formation. Based on our observations, we hypothesize that PCNA, acting as both a scaffold and a modulator of the different activities involved in replication, recruits and coordinates replicative and TLS-polymerases so as to ensure genome integrity.

Plosky BS, Woodgate R. Switching from high-fidelity replicases to low-fidelity lesion-bypass polymerases. Curr Opin Genet Dev 2004;14:113-119.

Vaisman A, Frank EG, Iwai S, Ohashi E, Ohmori H, Hanaoka F, Woodgate R. Sequence context-dependent replication of DNA templates containing UV-induced lesions by human DNA polymerase iota. DNA Repair 2003;2:991-1006.

Vaisman A, Lehmann AR, Woodgate R. DNA polymerases eta and iota. In: Yang W, ed. DNA Repair and Replication. San Diego: Elsevier/Academic Press, 2004.

Vaisman A, Woodgate R. Translesion DNA polymerases, eukaryotic. In: Lennarz WJ, Lane MD, eds. Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry, vol 4. London: Academic Press/Elsevier Science, 2004;247-250.

Vidal AE, Kannouche P, Podust VN, Yang W, Lehmann AR, Woodgate R. PCNA-dependent coordination of the biological functions of human DNA polymerase iota. J Biol Chem 2004;279:48360-48368.


Myron F. Goodman, PhD, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA

Fumio Hanaoka, PhD, Osaka University, Japan

Philipp Holliger, PhD, Medical Research Council Laboratory for Molecular Biology, Cambridge, England

Thomas A. Kunkel, PhD, Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, NIEHS, Research Triangle Park, NC

Christopher W. Lawrence, PhD, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY

Alan R. Lehmann, PhD, Sussex Genome Damage and Stability Center, Brighton, England

Mark Paetzel, PhD, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada

Wei Yang, PhD, Laboratory of Molecular Biology, NIDDK, Bethesda, MD

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