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Phillip Nelson, MD, PhD, Head, Section on Neurobiologya

Min Jia, MD, Senior Research Assistant

Thea Kuddo, MD, Guest Researcher

Mara Angel Lanuza, PhD, Guest Researcher

Min-Xu Li, MD, Guest Researcher

Eun Young Song, PhD, Guest Researcher

Rahel Gizaw, Postbaccalaureate Fellow

Cassandra VanDunk, BS, Postbaccalaureate Fellow

Veronica Dunlap, Senior Technician


We have continued our studies on the influence of activity on the development, stabilization, and elimination of synapses in in vitro models and in the intact organism. Previous work documented the rather complex involvement of protein kinases A and C in the process of activity-dependent synapse elimination at the rodent neuromuscular junction.

Activity-dependent synapse loss and stabilization at the neuromuscular junction

Both kinases A and C were involved in our in vitro system in a mutually antagonistic manner both pre-and post-synaptically. While either a pharmacological or genetic ablation of PKC produced an essentially permanent block of activity-dependent synapse loss in vitro, the process of loss in vivo was delayed by over three days, but not permanently blocked. Evidently, in vivo the PKC plays a role in the elimination process, but redundant mechanisms can mediate synapse loss during development, even in the absence of PKC activity.

During the process of synapse loss, there is loss of the post-synaptic acetylcholine receptor (AChR), which can be brought about by PKC action. Indeed, evidence suggests that receptor loss may be an initiating event in the synapse loss process. The AChR is a phosphoprotein that is a target of both PKA and PKC. Phosphorylation of the epsilon PKA–specific site results in receptor stabilization while phosphorylation of the delta subunit on PKC-specific sites results in receptor destabilization. We developed some antibodies against the phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated forms of the AChR and used them to study whether a shift in the state of phosphorylation of the AChR occurs under conditions in which we know there is a change in receptor stability. We prepared the antibodies by immunizing rabbits with the phosphorylated forms of peptide sequences containing known phosphorylation sites for the two kinases. The antisera were run over a column containing the nonphosphorylated peptides, with the flow throughput over a column of the phosphorylated peptide. Bound material was then eluted and treated as phospho-specific antibody. We found that staining with the phospho-specific antibody against the epsilon subunit was enhanced by treatment of nerve-muscle co-cultures with cAMP (which increases PKA activity). Staining with phospho-specific antibodies against the delta subunit was more intense in PMA-treated co-cultures (PMA increases PKC levels) than in electrically silenced, TTX-treated cultures. Less expected was an increase in phospho-epsilon staining under PMA treatment, perhaps resulting from a decrease in epsilon nonphospho staining because of its destabilization by the PMA-induced increase of phosphorylation of the delta subunit.

Li M-X, Jia M, Yang L-X, Jiang H, Lanuza MA, Gonzalez CM, Nelson PG. The role of protein kinase C (PKC) in activity-dependent synapse elimination: evidence from the PKC theta knock-out mouse in vivo and in vitro. J Neurosci 2004;24:3762-3769.

Nelson PG, Jia M, Li M-X, Gizaw R, Lanuza M, Tomas J. In: Stanton P, Brauham C, Scharfman H, eds. The Transsynaptic Dialogue in Synaptic Plasticity. New York: Kluwer Academic Press, 2005, in press.

Shimazu K, Takeda K, Yu Z-X, Jiang H, Liu X-W, Nelson PG, Guroff G. Multiple acute effects on the membrane potential of PC12 cells produced by Nerve Growth Factor (NGF). J Cell Physiol, in press.

Autocrine function for GDNF at the neuromuscular junction

The trophin Glia Derived Neurotrophic Factor (GDNF) is known to be produced by muscle and to have powerful effects on spinal motor neurons and other nerve cells throughout the brain. We have examined the possibility that GDNF also has an effect on the muscle cell itself, in particular on the metabolism and membrane localization of the acetylcholine receptor (AChR). We found that GDNF does indeed increase the insertion rate of AChR into the surface membrane of muscle cells, with a lesser effect on receptor loss from the membrane and without any appreciable effect on receptor synthesis. Several inhibitor studies suggest that the GDNF effect is mediated by the alpha 1 GDNF receptor and involves the Ret receptor, MAP kinase, cAMP/CREB, and Src kinase activity. Thus, the trophin may act in a synergistic pre- and postsynaptic manner to modify synapse efficacy.

Yang L-X, Nelson PG. Neurotrophic factor GDNF regulates the distribution of acetylcholine receptors in primary muscle cells. Neuroscience 2004;128:497-509.

Molecular basis for neurodevelopmental disorders

We have extended our study of archived samples from control children and those with subsequently diagnosed developmental disorders to include children with Down syndrome (DS). We found that in newborns with DS the level of the cytokine IL-8 is significantly elevated (higher by about 75 percent). In addition, the archived blood spots revealed distinct developmental profiles for the analytes that we have measured. The level of BDNF, for instance, is low in very premature infants, higher in normally mature neonates, and highest in adult material. By contrast, the levels of IL-8 are highest in the very premature, very low in adults, and intermediate in the normal gestation newborns. We have developed a novel competitive fluorescent microsphere immunoassay for Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide using the Luminex flow cytometry platform.

aRetired in June, 2004; now Scientist Emeritus.


Judy Grether, PhD, California Department of Health Services, Berkeley, CA

Karin B. Nelson, MD, Neuroepidemiology Branch, NINDS, Bethesda, MD

For further information, contact