Molecular Information Theory

  • Keywords for indexing: B-DNA, bioinformatics, biology, biologist,, bit, bits, Boltzmann, cancer, channel capacity, chowder society, consensus sequences, Claude Shannon, Delila, DNA, DNA binding, DNA binding site, entropy, evolutionary theory, Frederick, Gibbs, genetic engineering, gumball machines, information theory, left-handed DNA, limits of computers, Maryland, MD, mathematics, Maxwell's Daemon, Maxwell's Demon, microarray, molecular biology, molecular information theory, molecular machines, hMSH2, mutation, Nanobiotechnology National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, NCI, NIH, polymorphism, protein, RNA, molecular repertoires, nanotechnology, replication, sequence logo, sequence walker, splice, splicing, statistical mechanics, theory of molecular machines, thermodynamics, Tom Schneider, Thomas Schneider, Thomas D. Schneider, T. D. Schneider, TD Schneider, transcription, translation, uncertainty, Z-DNA

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    Theory of Molecular Machines:
molecular biology,
evolutionary theory,
genetic engineering,
sequence logos,
information theory,
electrical engineering,
statistical mechanics,
hypersphere packing,
gumball machines,
Maxwell's Daemon,
limits of computers
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    origin: 1995 Feb 24
    updated: version = 3.57 of home.html 2004 Aug 26