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All the World

(All the World is A Rainbow)

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l986 Laszlo Slomovits, ASCAP
All the world is a rainbow
What color are you?
Are you red, black, or white,
Are you yellow or brown,
Are you some other shade or hue?

All the world is a rainbow
And the sky needs all of me and all of you.
All of me, all of you
All our brothers and sisters too.
We can live, we can give
All of me and you.

All the world is a melody.
What note are you?
Are you high, are you low?
Are you fast, are you slow?
Are you sour or in sweet harmony?

All the world is a melody
And the song needs all of me and all of you.
All the world is a tapestry, Im woven in with you
All the world is a restless sea, Im just a wave like you.

All the world is just a stage
What role have you?
Are you good, are you bad?
Are you happy or sad?
Are you weak, strong, false or true?

All the world is just a stage
And the play needs all of me and all of you.

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